Maffyew profile picture


There are days when a warm look from a strange face will make me forget my name.

About Me

Recently vegetarian. Musical. Loving. Loyal. Happy. Dont get enough sleep most of time.

..****A Sophisticated New Years Crew****I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests

i like to make music sometimes, i like to make love others... karaoke rules, Japan rules. Jammin' with Got The Clap rules. San Jose Sharks and Anaheim Ducks hockey rules. Schoolyard puck with the neighborhood team THE EVERGREEN FORCE. Zack Attack.

I'd like to meet:

Emilio Estevez because we share the same birthday. And Jumbo Joe Thornton, Teemu Selanne and Scott Niedermayer.


The Beatles, Tears For Fears, Paul McCartney, John Lennon, Sleepy Cd's, Foo Fighters, Radiohead, Talk Talk, Coldplay, Wings, The Rutles, Chicago, Journey, Tahiti 80, Keziah Jones, EASTERN YOUTH, Zeppelin, Joe Jackson, The Police, 13&GOD, U2, Tom Petty, Steely Dan, the NoTwist, Yes, Why?, Cloud:Dead, Steve Perry, Subtle, Hymie's Basement, Remy Shand, Jamiroquai, Sigur Ros, Gruvis Malt, Sloan, Cursive, Beck, Thrice, Micheal Jackson, Bjork, Refused, At the Drive-In, Three Dog Night, Portishead, Dismemberment Plan, Pheonix, Gavin Castleton, Soundgarden, Alice in Chains, Mercury Program, Stevie Wonder, Pinback, the Carpenters, Wilco, William Shatner, Squarepusher, Boyz II Men, Richard Marx, Michael MacDonald, Lionel Richie, Marvin Gaye, Al Green, Michael Bolton, POT USA, RxB, Desa, Somerset, All State Champion, Fighting Jacks, ToNavigate, The JAde Shader, Tragedy Andy, Day One Symphony, Signal to Noise, Awake and Alert, Before Braille, Mister Metaphor, U.S.E., Counterfit, OZMA, Satori, Further Seems Forever, Broken Social Scene, The Bubba Hotstix Experience, Kaddisfly, Tera Melos, Return to Sender, Sweater Club, Brazil, Engine Down, North America, Taking Back Sunday, Weezer, Finch, Dropping Daylight, No Knife, Rose Hill Drive, ..




NewsRadio, The Office, Saved by the Bell reruns, California Dreams, Family Guy, Simpsons, Full House, Family Matters, Cheesy reality dating shows, Monster House, Ben Stiller Show, Arrested Development


Are for nerds.


Paul McCartney's beard circa 1968, Stephen Colbert

My Blog

Europe Journal 9

Neuschwanstein (The Final Day) - It's the last day here for us in Europe and I am excited because we left the last day to hit Neuschwanstein on the way out to Frankfurt. When I woke up the bulk of Rx...
Posted by Maffyew on Tue, 16 Oct 2007 04:02:00 PST

Europe Journal 8

Prague (Day Off continuation)-We got to Prague after we did the Berlin tourist thing and the hostel was really nice. There seemed to be a lot more english speaking folk in the house but I didn't real...
Posted by Maffyew on Mon, 15 Oct 2007 08:57:00 PST

Europe Journal 7

Amsterdam- We hit the road around 8:30 because the drive was going to be a bit lengthy, about 8 hours or so. We did our usual lag thing and got out a bit slow and made a couple too many stops along t...
Posted by Maffyew on Thu, 11 Oct 2007 10:51:00 PST

Europe Journal Entry 5

Manchester (and UK roundup)-Ah UK, its been an experience to say the least. We've had many a discussion about how high our hopes were for this place and they've been squashed fairly hard. We maybe n...
Posted by Maffyew on Thu, 04 Oct 2007 07:54:00 PST

Europe Journal 6

Schaffhausen-We headed to Schaffhausen the next morning and the town around there was spectacular. A lot of history but with some modern flare mixed in. The area where the venue was all cobblestone ...
Posted by Maffyew on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 11:56:00 PST

UK Journal 4

London-We hit London and we made sure to see the Mecca - ABBEY ROAD. We got there and walked about a little took some pictures of notes people have written on the walls outside the studio. Eric shee...
Posted by Maffyew on Fri, 28 Sep 2007 12:18:00 PST

UK/ Euro Tour Journal 3

I havent been able to get on the net since Oxford so here goes nothin'...Carling Academy - OxfordOxford is another upscale college town vibe and it seems like the people here are generally better look...
Posted by Maffyew on Tue, 25 Sep 2007 08:52:00 PST

UK/Europe Tour Journal 2

Sept 20So Ive decided it might be better to keep up as much as possible rather that write shit first in pen and have to re-type later. From where we left off, we played in Exeter and it was a tiny pla...
Posted by Maffyew on Fri, 21 Sep 2007 09:06:00 PST

UK/Europe Tour Journal 1

Its Sept 19th and about 7:30 in Exeter where we are playing tonight. You'll have to excuse my rambling style in the journals because im trying to fit as much stuff in as possible and as fast as possib...
Posted by Maffyew on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 12:16:00 PST


I'm EFFING JUICED. We are going to be playing overseas in EUROPE and the UK with these maginificent fellows: and I couldnt be more excited. To be able to live out yet another dr...
Posted by Maffyew on Thu, 19 Jul 2007 01:13:00 PST