makin music and avin a laugh
that matey boy from busted who is in son of dork,id stick a wire coat hanger down his japsi and really fuckin torture him cuz he finks he's american n it pisses me off,u shud always be proud of where ur from,and i'd like 2 meet any1 fun
i like everyfin n wen i say everyfin i mean everyfin,every type of music u can fink of.The most amzin band 2 me in the world is RANCID,love every album n every song,love the streets aswel
anyfin wiv danny dyer in it is good,he's funny as fuck
hollyoaks omnibus is great wen im hungova on sunday mornins,2 pints of lager and a packet of crisps is kl and top gear
ive read about 3 books in my life and 1 of em was a goosebumps 1 and thats all i can remember
batman,superman,spiderman,heeman,ninja turtles,chris moyles,and any1 that makes gd music