cold weather, warm weather, driving, driving with the windows down, football as Birdsong, seeing old friends, making up stupid games with Brock, making people laugh, watching the Rangers blow their chance of making the playoffs year after year, Koppe Bridge burgers, Texas country concerts, Guitar Hero and just hanging out with my homies!
myself(that sounds really self-conceited but it would be cool), Dave Matthews(incomplete), and Kate Hudson(incomplete)
Everything from Dave Matthews Band to Frank Sinatra to The Rolling Stones to Jack Ingram! IT'S ALL GOOD!
The Natural, Wedding Crashers, Old School, Lonesome Dove, Legends of the Fall, Gladiator, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Office Space, 61*, Saving Private Ryan, A Beautiful Mind, The Shawshank Redemption...Too many to mention
hmmm...Sports Center, Scrubs, The Office, Conan O'Brien, Seinfeld, and more sports center.
are overrated and they make me sleepy.
Coach Moore of the Texas Paychecks, Chuck Baker and Dave South! They all holler a lot but I still look up to them.