Wes profile picture



About Me

Hey all im a 25 year old aussie living it up in leeds at the moment as a site manager for a construction firm.But im a born and breed aussie from a little place called UMINA GODS COUNTRY.I have 3 loves surfing,liverpool fc and st geoege illawarra.I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!

My Interests

I have way to many!

I'd like to meet:

As many people as posible you can never have to many mates.


jack jonhson,pete murry,block party,penny wise,cat stevens


old school,zoolander,ancorman,any movie with will farrell i love that guy has got to be the funniest bloke around.


home and away,neighbours,simpsons,prison break


never finished one and dont think i ever will,a news papers as close as i get to a book


It goes with out saying all my mates back home you boys no who you are,im counting down the days till im sinking scooners with them all in the corner bar!