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All I want, is a little more than I will ever get!!

About Me

I am, first and foremost, a freethinker. I do not need to be told how to think, act, live. Do not judge me because I don't follow the crowd, because I never will. I form my own opinions based on my own personal experiences and observations. I question everything, and everyone, and I read and learn and base my opinions on the knowledge that I gain on my personal journey through life. I strongly encourage everyone on this planet to do the same. My opinions do change, grow, and evolve over time and are not beyond revision. Everything in life evolves, so don't give me any shit if something I say today changes, or morphs into something new tomorrow. Instead, try asking me what caused me to change or revise my opinion...and just maybe you will learn something new yourself. To be a progressive free thinker, one must always be open to re-thinking and re-evaluating all that one has learned from time to time. So read, study, observe and grow, because following in someone else's footsteps just means you are too lazy or too afraid to blaze your own trail. Peace....
My Heart Beats to the rythm of a V-Twin &nbsp!!
The greater part of what my neighbors call "good" I believe in my soul to be bad, and if I am to repent of anything, it is very likely to be my "good behavior". What demon possessed me that I behaved so "well"? - Henry David Thoreau
I am searching for an open minded and adventurous woman with a wild spirit, and a loyal heart and soul to share lifes grand adventures with. I love to snuggle and cuddle with my sweetheart, and I am not against public displays of affection. :) I love to travel and experience new things big and small. New cultures, new foods, new music and new friends are always welcome in my world!! I'll try anything once, twice if I like it, the third time, I'm HOOKED! I also like sailing , camping, skiing, beaches, cooking, giving and receiving massages (I've been told many times that I have gifted hands), writing poetry, and riding my harley. Things like, bowling, shooting pool, throwing darts, and playing poker, (texas hold'em is a favorite) and other card and board games can also be fun :) I really love the outdoors, whether it be walking the beach or in the woods. Skiing down a mountain trai or hiking one. Nature is beautiful, spontaneous and sometimes unpredictable, and I am attracted to people with similaI r qualities. Sometimes I like to party with just a few friends, and other times I enjoy large gatherings with lots of people and lots of action. I am not above pulling an all-nighter with friends drinking and laughing and causing a rucus until the bird songs and sunrise of a new day end our drunken party. Ahh.. there is nothing better than seeing the sunrise with someone special...or a sunset for that matter. :) It's not all about big parties though. Other nights, I just like to spend a quiet time with someone special at home snuggled up on the couch with a bowl of popcorn and a good movie.
Some Other Interests I Have Are

Skiing, Swimming, Volleyball, Walking / Hiking, Cycling, Coffee And Conversation, Cooking, Dining Out, Fishing/Hunting, Gardening/Landscaping, Movies/Videos, Museums Of Art And Science, Music, Concerts, Theater Shows, And Other Performing Arts. Nightclubs/Dancing, Shopping/Antiques, Travel/Sightseeing, Watching Sports, Wine Tasting,Camping And
My favorite colors are blue, purple and black.
When it comes to food, I love italian food most of all but I also have a new found love for sushi. I will eat just about anything, or at least try it. LOL I love to cook and try to make new dishes at home as well. (I've been told many times that i'm a great cook)
Let's see, what else?? Oh yeah, I Lived in Germany for 2 years. I traveled to Paris, I've been all over Italy, Holland and the Netherlands, I've been to England, and I Learned to ski in Austria.
Some places that I would really love to see are: Egypt, Greece, Spain, Scotland, Ireland and anywhere else that I have not been to yet. My two favorite places in the states are Vegas and Key West.
This Is The Most Terrifying Video I Have Ever Seen!!! - The Most Terrifying Video You'll Ever See

Ok, so this is one of the most amazing things I have ever seen anyone do. Not only was I completely amazed when I first saw this video.... I must also admit that my thoughts quickly took a nose dive straight into the gutter.... LOL
Liquid Lady
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Freethought Of The Day
Courtesy of Freedom From Religion Foundation
“The gods can either take away evil from the world and will not, or, being willing to do so cannot; or they neither can nor will, or lastly, they are able and willing.“If they have the will to remove evil and cannot, then they are not omnipotent. If they can but will not, then they are not benevolent. If they are neither able nor willing, they are neither omnipotent nor benevolent.“Lastly, if they are both able and willing to annihilate evil, why does it exist?” -- Greek philosopher Epicurus (341-270 B.C.E.), Aphorisms

We Live In The Land Of The Free,
Because Of The Brave!!
Thank A Soldier For The Freedoms That You Enjoy&nbsp!!!
Check out the crew at Sinners & Saints Tattoo in Wareham MA.

CURRENT MOON moon phase
Sadly enough most people show no interest or desire in getting to know ME...the man behind the mask.
Party Hard, Ride Fast, And Live With No Regrets Because The Reaper Is Comming For You, And You Can't Stop Him!!

My Interests

Check out this interesting video that I came across on youtube and click on this paragraph to follow a link to the originators website. This is very interesting due to the fact that if it is true, there are many scientific theories that an expanding earth as Neal has presented it would require be abandoned: nearly all sub-atomic theory, nearly all geology, nearly all astronomy (stellar evolution and such), GRAVITY, and The Third Law of Thermodynamics. We may not know as much as we think we do about our planet and solar system. In fact the minute this theory of an expanding earth is publicly recognized as being true by the scientific community (if they ever do admit it), we will know less about our planet and solar system than we did before accepting this fact. Basically we will have to erase the chalk boards of most basic science knowledge and start our whole thinking and discovery process over again from scratch.

Don't Analyze My Beliefs,
And I Won't Point Out The Flaws In Yours!!

". . . bad science contributes to the steady dumbing down of our nation. Crude beliefs get transmitted to political leaders and the result is considerable damage to society. We see this happening now in the rapid rise of the religious right and how it has taken over large segments of the Republican Party. I think fundamentalist and Pentecostalist Pat Robertson is a far greater menace to America than, say, Jesse Helms who will soon be gone and forgotten.”
-- Martin Gardner, interview, Skeptical Inquirer, March/April 1998

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"Educatio est omnium efficacissima forma rebellionis".

The English translation means "Education is the most effective form of rebellion". The moral of Thorin's quote is that much more can be accomplished with a book rather than a bat. The system itself cannot be beaten by simply dropping out and having a middle finger attitude. To truly make a difference, you need not only angst, but also a firm foundation on what makes the system what it is. Past revolutionaries (Che, King Jr, Gandhi....) all knew how to use the system to their advantage and bring about change. Society loves stupid people because they are so easy to control. To truly make a difference organize with the tools that truly bring about change: Education and Unity. The sheep (people in general) are force fed crap everyday via the media. Unfortunately, they take it all in with their mouths open wide. The uneducated cannot tell the difference between truth and lie, instead they tend to believe everything that is broadcasted without even questioning it. Everyday the system is unjust and unfair. Without education, and unity, this massive corporate lobbied tax hijacked machine that we call our "DEMOCRATIC" government can never be re-tooled. It is up to YOU to make the changes needed to improve YOUR society. It is time to stand for what you believe in, and be heard. Ignorance is the single greatest tool of oppression. Uninformed people are ignorant because they believe all that the media, the government and even their religious leaders tell them without question. Just remember one thing information is designed to keep you IN-FORMATION!!! If you believe all that you are told without question,then you are part of the problem!!! Question Everything... and THINK&nbsp FOR&nbsp YOURSELF&nbsp!!!

When Injustice Becomes Law
Rebellion Becomes Duty &nbsp !!!

Conformity Is The Disease
Rebellion Is The Cure&nbsp !!!

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." — Thomas Jefferson

Every great advance in natural knowledge has involved the absolute rejection of authority. ***Thomas Huxley***

If a house be divided against itself, the house cannot stand. ***Mark 3:25***

A single event can awaken within us a stranger totally unknown to us. ***Antoine de Saint-Exupery***

Death twitches my ear, "Live," he says, "I am coming." ***Virgil***

We are constantly being told that the terrorist are, “Attacking our way of life and our freedom.” Yet these claims are only made by the President and the Government through their controlled mouth piece, the main stream media, and not by the terrorist themselves.

If you would only open your eyes to see that it is not the terrorist attacking our way of life and our freedom, but our own Government!

Through the expansion of police powers and new anti-terrorism legislation, the use of ‘We the People’s' fear for our safety is being used to restrict our liberty. And by using their false promises for security they erode our privacy.

You are not exempt from these new anti-terrorism laws.

The terrorist can not possibly take away our freedom or change our way of life. Only our elected Government Officials can do that!!

And as you sit back and watch your god damn American Idol, and other reality television shows, our elected government officials are doing exactly that.

They are instilling fear into the American People for the sole purpose of promoting thier own agendas' which neither represent or reflect the will of the American people, nor serve to protect them.

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"If... the machine of government... is of such a nature that it requires you to be the agent of injustice to another, then, I say, break the law." - Henry David Thoreau

"I became convinced that non-cooperation with evil is as much a moral obligation as is cooperation with good," - Martin Luther King Jr.You Say: "god bless America"... I SAY: GOD DAMN OUR GOVERNMENT!!

It is time for the people in this country to make our voices heard and speak out against the actions of our government. The political machine in this country is out of control and the apathy of the AMERICAN PEOPLE and thier unwillingness to speak out against our government only serves to fuel and strengthen it's position and it's control over all of us.

"That government is best which governs least; and I should like to see it acted up to more rapidly and systematically." - Henry David Thoreau

I am interested in knowing why this technology isn't being mass produced and used in the USA?Why The Fuck Are We Buying Gas When We Can Be Running On WATER?!?!?!?!

Water Power

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Some days I feel like I've succeeded, other days, I feel like I've failed miserably!!

Ride It Like You Stole It !!!

Now This Is The Way To Ride!!!

"Any Ladies Want To Try This With Me??? :)"

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What Kind of Stoner Are You?

Mother Earth
You are very in touch with nature and your elements. You enjoy smoking because its natural and helps you understand more about life and why we live. You probley dont shower much and have dreds. Over all you are a pretty chill person to smoke with.

I'd like to meet:

I would really like to meet a nymphomaniac that owns a liquor store!!!
NOW, SERIOUSLY...I am looking for a person that can be my friend as well as my lover. To me, you can not have one without the other. I am very affectionate, compassionate, carring, empathetic, understanding, honest and trustworthy guy,and I expect my partner to have similar qualities. I also want a partner who knows what reciprocation means. I am a libra true to almost all accounts of the traits that any horoscope will tell you that libras have. I need balance, stability, and harmony in my life, and I will go out of my way to find it and most importantly, to maintain it!! I've have no room for drama queens, posers, liars, and cheaters in my life so if you are any of the aforementioned, do us both a favor and not waste my time. Other than that, If you want to know more about me, just ask. I really have nothing to hide and no hidden agendas, so you will always get an honest answer from me,so I warn you to be carefull of what you ask because I will be honest even if I believe that you will not like what you hear.

Other brilliant people that I would love to meet are: Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Shakespear, Vincent Vangoh, Plato, Socrates, Sigmund Freud because I have an inquisitive mind that I'd love to hear his opinion on... LOL hahahah , Nostradamus, Mya Angelu, Bill Clinton aka. "slick willy", Jerry Garcia, Cleopatra VII, Confucius, Timothy Leary, The Dali Lama, Leonardo da Vinci, my soulmate, and last but not least............

, if you are open minded,adventurous,honest, caring, sensual, smart, independant, willing to experience new things, self-reliant,and outgoing.

If you enjoy travel, parties, movies, concerts, plays, theater,sporting events, museums, ballets, beaches, pig roasts, poker runs,bike rallys', dining out, staying in, and trying new things to expand your horizons then drop me a line we have a lot to talk about. I would also hope that you like to ride on a harley.... either on the back of mine or on your own... because if you don't then you'll be spending a lot of time home... :)

Always remember
Sticks and stones
May break my bones
But whips and chains



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This is not as easy as it looks. See how good your perception is.

George Carlin - Who Really Controls America
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George Carlin -Religion is BS
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George Carlin - 9/11 Ideas
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George Carlin - The Planet Is Fine
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Talk about ELECTRIFYING!!! - High Power Job

Alicia Keys, Woodland Creatures, Gnarls Barkley,The Doors, Led Zeppelin, The Devotchkas, Suicidal Tendencies, Accept, The Who, Pink Floyd, Morphine, NIN, Godsmack, Creed, 4 Non Blondes, Afroman, Alice in Chains, The Alman Brothers, B.B. King, Barenaked Ladies, The Beastie Boys, Bob Marley, Bush, The Casualties, Collective Soul, The Crystal Method, The Cure, Dave Matthews, David Lanz, Deep Purple, Dire Straits, Download, Dr. Hook, Eminem, Eric Clapton, The Grateful Dead, Insane Clown Posse, Iron Maiden, Jane's Addiction, Jethro Tull, Kottonmouth Kings, Limp Bizkit, Metallica, Modest Mouse, Monster Magnet, Muddy Waters, Nirvana, 112, Phish,Primus, Puddle of Mudd, Radiohead, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Rob Zombie, Skinny Puppy, Soilent Green, Sublime, Sum 41, Susan Tedeschi, Van Morrison, Yes, Zendik, and many more


The nightmare before christmas, fight club, the virgin suicides, pirates of the carribean 1 & 2, hedwig and the angry inch, killer condom, ALL the Hellraiser movies, Nightmare on Elm Street, house on haunted hill, night of the living dead, dawn of the dead,weird science, the labyrinth, cabin fever, seven, barbarella, watership down, mommie dearest, stripes, cannonball run, mirror mask, saw, any bruce lee or jackie chan movie, bad santa, american pie, 40 year old virgin, grandmas boy, scarry movie, taxi,the original lolita(not the remake) , BR, 2001 a space oddesy, dune, a clockwork orange, alice in wonderland, harry potter, the lord of the rings, scarface, scent of a woman, the boondock saints, seven, the devils advocate, labyrinth, smokey and the bandit, borat, Ali G,


I want one of these computers!!!!


Currently reading the complete writings of Plato off and on. It's quite intense and needs to be read slow and digested in small pieces. Also reading "Total Freedom" written by Jiddu Krishnamurti


My Parents and my Brother. They are my best friends, my biggest supporters and my number one source of love and inspiration. I put them before myself or anyone else in my life so deal with it or take a hike!

Here's to my friends Nydia & Troy!!! Congratulations to you both for taking the plunge into matrimony. I wish you both a lifetime of love and happiness together, and I also wish for you; strength and perseverance to help carry you through any difficult situation that may cross your path in life. With the strong love that you share, anything is possible!!! I love you guys and I'm so happy for you!!!

My Blog

Yes Folks... More Bible Trashing.... 14 ways to get a wife compliments of the old testament!!

There are so many people who quote the bible and swear by it, and it seems to me like they can only remember good quotes and passages...  well thank god there are many people out there in the wor...
Posted by Ken on Mon, 21 Apr 2008 10:21:00 PST

God Vs. Science

Ok folks... I came across this blog on a friends page and I've decided to repost it here because I think it's like comparring apples and oranges...  faith can not be compared to FACTS.... and fai...
Posted by Ken on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 12:01:00 PST

Life without love and romance is a life not really worth living....

I am so sick and tired of feeling alone and loney. It's killing me slowly and I dont know what to do to change it. I've been out socializing as much as I can afford. I've tried e...
Posted by Ken on Fri, 11 Jan 2008 05:07:00 PST


I've been reading a lot of stuff online lately about both of our bush presidents references to "The New World Order", and also about thier participation in The Bilderberg Conferences, and thier associ...
Posted by Ken on Wed, 05 Dec 2007 04:50:00 PST

Mother Earth Is GROWING!!!

Check out this interesting video that I came across on youtube and click on this paragraph to follow a link to the originators website. This is very interesting due to the fact that if it is true, the...
Posted by Ken on Tue, 04 Dec 2007 11:04:00 PST

Conspiracy Of Silence

Conspiracy of Silence, a documentary listed for viewing in TV Guide Magazine was to be aired on the Discovery Channel, on May 3, 1994. This documentary exposed a network of religious leaders and Washi...
Posted by Ken on Tue, 04 Dec 2007 08:19:00 PST

Dont Tread On Me.. Info and history of the Gadsden Flag.

I just wanted to vent and say that I'm sick and tired of our government intruding on peoples rights. Our government is operating outside the boundaries of our own laws, and is also violating the const...
Posted by Ken on Mon, 19 Nov 2007 10:50:00 PST


    Samhain(Halloween) October 31 First off, the thing people seem to wonder most about Samhain. How is it meant to be pronounced?  Well, as in most things, this depends on exactly...
Posted by Ken on Tue, 30 Oct 2007 09:53:00 PST


The USA is so fucked up that we celebrate the life of a murderer who killed the indigenous people so violently and so vastly that he literally brought them to the verge of extinction!!!  For us as a c...
Posted by Ken on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 08:45:00 PST

Who am I??? I am an Empath...

Being an Empath Empathy is the ability to read and understand people and be in-tune with or resonate with others, voluntarily or involuntarily of one's empath capacity. Empaths have the ability to sca...
Posted by Ken on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 10:02:00 PST