Roleplayng games(Dungeons&Dragons, Call of cthulhu, vampire etc etc etc) Music, W..........., Paranormal and Paranormal investigations, Horror novels, Astral Projection.......Occult, Spells, Cthulhu Mythos observation.
H.P Lovecraft, Alister Crowley, Magus Anton Szandor LaVey
ROTTING CHRIST, IMMORTAL, THOU ART LORD, NECROMANTIA, VARATHRON, Astarte, Agatus, Abigor, Limbonic Art, Mayhem(old), Satyricon(old), Behemoth, Marduk, Nightfall, Non Serviam, Insected, Lloth, Vorphalac, Ravencult, Desolation, Obsecration, Deicide, Acheron, Gorgoroth, Vinterland, Burzum, Bathory, Profanatica, Funeral Winds, Dark Funeral, Naer Mataron, Deviser, Septic Flesh, Carpathian Forest, Crossover, Unholy Ritual, Celtic Frost, Ozzy Osbourne, Venom, Diabolos Rising, Nox Arcana, Midnight Syndicate, The Vision Bleak, On Thorns I Lay, Nosferatu, Raism, SAnctifier, Goatpenis.........
Underworld, Underworld Evolution, Van Helsing, Copola's Dracula, Nosferatu, The Call of Cthulhu
Strahd Von Zarovich, Caramon Majere, Raistlin Majere, Mighty Max, Scooby Doo, Rotting Christ