HardCore Music, and what else goes with hardcore: Shows, News, Friendships. From Old-school to Screamo till Metalcore. Playing guitar. Italian western movies Sergio Leone Style. And the beauty of the world.
Friends from the HardCore scene of this world!
Failed Suicide Plan
His Hero is Gone, The Appolexy Twist Orchestra, Tragedy, Reamains Of the Day, Face The Fact, Faust Again, Santa Sangre (Pisa), Valeus X Intact, Pointing Finger, Tristan Tzara, Encore Fou, Orchid, The Phoenix, Raised Fist, Verse, Ensign, Good Clean Fun, Danse Macabre, Go It Alone, Converge, ISIS, Neurosis, Pelican, Circle Takes the Square, Ekkaia, Madame Germain, Arsen aka. Der König Der Monster....
Tarantito Movies : 4 Rooms, Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill...; Sergio Leone Spaghetti Western: Per un pugno di dollari, Per qualche dollaro in piú, Il Buono il Brutto il Cattivo, C'era una volta il West; Other Spaghetti-western by Sergio Sollima, Sergio Corbucci, Tonino Valerii, Enzo Girolami Castellari, Gianfranco Parolini, Giuliano Carinmeo, Ferdinando Baldi, Enzo Barboni and so on...
Luc Besson : Leon, The 5ft Element; George Lucas : Star Wars....
For Afew Dollars More
-final duell-
(Per qualche dollari in piú)
Sergio Leone
Televison is Evil !!! But I like to wathch good movies sometimes. And Commissario Moltabano!Montalbano
G8 Genova
"Stó mangiando la pasta coi broccoli, chi é che rompe?"
Andrea Camilleri all Commissario Montalbano books. Everything by Stefano Benni. Douglas Adams is a very funny autor. Jan Weilers "Maria, Ihn schmeckt..s nicht" and "Antonio im Wunderland" are also very nice. Comics from Donnabavosa recods are cool, the best is "I Fumetti della Gleba - Speciale Robots". I cook with Ox Fanzines "Rezepte für Punkrocker und andere Menschen" great Vegi stuff. Voltaire "Candide". Giorgio Bassani. Dürrenmatt.
Heroes are Evil too !!! Why heroes, can..t I make it just setting my goals on my own ?? I dont need Heroes to follow their steps, The Fuck !!! But there are People I will always respect for what they have done, like my Father, even he ..s a very strange guy.