Meeting new people isn't what it's about...sometime's spending time with the one's you know is a better thing. But i guess i'm getting off-topic here so...aside from wanting to meet my Future Child(ren)...I've already met who i wanted to meet =). ...but then again..i wouldn't mind meeting Jessica Alba.
Whatever is playing on my'll range from R&B to Hip Hop. but Usher and CB isssssss banigin' right now!
Transformers, Matrix, American Pie, Napolean Dynamite..lotsa Sci-Fi and Comedy flicks. If not, Porn will do!
MTV, TLC, discovery, and ESPN. Or sometimes i just stare at my Girl from afar
Sole and MAXIM! Check out SOLE collector magazine. Issue 19, page 32, top left corner baby! Holla!
Heroes are Friends and Family you surround yourself with whom are POSITIVE. People who are there when you need them and every now and then give you advice or direction. More importantly, they stick by your side when you choose opposite of what they say....but then again, Strippers can be Heroes too.