Listening to music, Drawling, Driving around, reading, Video games, walking, making up stuff to do! You can put me in any situation and I will find something to do! I have heard that I am kinda of out there, but I acctually agree with that.........And I dont see this as a bad thing! Whats the point in living, if it is going to be lived in fear! I live on NEW I will try anything!
People who are themselves, including there flaws!HERE ARE SOME KICK ASS PEOPLE YOU SHOULD CHECK OUT,
Metal, Alternative, any type of rock! I am also very open-minded!
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Action/adventure, Drama, SciFi, Comedy's, Horror or any movies involving Music:(Documentary's, Musicals, Etc.)
I am not a big T.V. fan, but if you catch me watching it I am usually channel surfing threw Mtv-2, The Sci-Fi Channel, adult swim, comedy central, FX, and spike T.V!!
You have been marked on my profile map!
Books: Cirque De Freak, The Da Vinci Code, Earth-Air-Fire-Water, Earth Power, Illumination, The Broken Night, and a lot more. COMICS: The Punisher, X-Men, Spiderman, Blade, Batman, and A lot more.
I do not believe in hero's or Idols! Why follow or look up to someone when you have yourself. If you have a hero or Idol thats fine, this is just the way I feel.This is an Excellent Movie!