I took these when I was at home in October. *sigh*
You scored as Sleeping Beauty. Your alter ego is Princess Aurora, a.k.a. Sleeping Beauty! You are beautiful and enchanting, and as sweet as ever.
Sleeping Beauty
The Beast
Peter Pan
Donald Duck
Cruella De Ville
Snow White
Outside of the other numerous dead people who have somehow still managed to influence my life, Salvador Dali would probably top my list. I'm sure probing his brain could really make mine tick for awhile.
Music is a constant in my life. For me, music defines who I am. All types of music suit me, depending on my mood, but there is always something within the music that I can relate to.
Movies are another constant for me. I wouldn't know what to do without them. A few faves are The Green Mile, Second Hand Lions, and more recently The Davinvi Code.
Makes me want to yell and throw things. Most shows can't keep my attention long enough to keep me alert, and commercials are just downright painful. Evil I tell you.
Oh my goodness, I do adore books. Books of all kinds. Nothing grabs my attention more that the smell of fresh paper waiting to be handled by my delicate fingers. Whether I'm reading, or writing my own legacy down within the pages, there just is no competition for books.
Captain Obvious is STILL my hero!