BeNEdiCt...Fucker profile picture


weird... but true to himself!!!

About Me

Benedict actually was from the province of Laguna. he wants to be a teacher someday but due to some hindrances he pursue to be an engineer. an engineering student of southern luzon state university, major in computer. he likes to eat, talk, read. he also want to surf internet, find friends through this cyber-machine. with three accounts in friendster and two in this site (myspace). he wanted to have more friends than ever!!!!Music Video Codes by' AUTOSTART='True' LOOP='1'This profile was edited with MySpace Profile Editor MySpace Profile Help! ..1. Who knows the real you? - Me, myself and I2. When was the last time you went out? -last sept.16, 2006 (and its already 2007)!3. If you could kiss anyone who would it be? - ----??4. What song are you listening to? - Photographs by Nickelback..5. what does it remind you of? - my childhood days..6. Last movie you watched? - chainsaw massacre7. Which of your friends lives closest to you? -lala!8. What CD is in your stereo? - we dont have cd driver9. Do you drive? - nope!10. What did you do yesterday? - just watch television!!! (part of my relaxation every weekends)12. Do you wear contacts or glasses? - Yup, since 1st year College13. What's your Dad's middle initial? - J.14. Do you trust your friends? - you want the truth., not all of them15. Who was the last person to call you? - my kuya..16. What annoys you? - lahat ng kiri..17. Would you move to another state/country to be with the one you love? - it depends.18. Next vacation you're going on? - i like to visit BORA.19. Do you play any instruments? - no!!..20. Do you believe that everything happens for a reason? - of course... there will always be something behind those!!!!21. Do you want any piercings? - no!22. Did you ever go to Prom? - no!!!- xclusively for boys ang school q eh23. Last time you went to the mall? - last month---layo eh24. What was the last thing you ate? - kanin25. Which of your friends would make the best roommate? - lala!27.Last thing you purchased? - bench denim28. Would you stop talking to your friend if they started hooking up with new boy/girl. - yeah, seloso aq eh..29. Do people ever spell your name wrongly? -nope... daling daling tandaan eh!30. When's the last compliment you received? - few mins ago.!31. Are you watching tv? - yeah!32. What do you find most attractive about the opposite sex? - i never find them attractive!!!33. Last time you spent the night at someone's house? - last december34. When was the last time you were extremely disappointed? - extremely..??just this day

My Interests

hoowssssssssang damii want to invent myself

I'd like to meet:

kahit cno!!!! anyone who feel me to be his/her friend.i wanted to meet cameroon diaz and sandara park. i like this young lady so much!!


many i want rnb, love, soft, rock all of them.. -- -- -- Simple Plan - Welcome to my Life -- Music Video Codes by


titanic would be one of the greatest... there's IF ONLYand of course...HArry POtter Movies


i love to read bible. dapat lang kc it's for our safety ryt ...revelation...


my parents.... they are my heroes

My Blog

Eleven Commandments of MySpace

1.If you're ugly,stop acting like you don't know it.The captions under you picture that says"top model pose"doesn't convince anyone.2.To the people who have like 25,098 friends,are you serious?Nobody ...
Posted by BeNEdiCt...Fucker on Fri, 10 Mar 2006 08:54:00 PST


ang tao
Posted by BeNEdiCt...Fucker on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Posted by BeNEdiCt...Fucker on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST