- the Official Website!
I have always been fascinated with the inner being - the hidden forces that impel us and have been codified in mythology, spirituality, and psychology. My portraits seek to reveal these invisible forces through symbology, textures, and the evocation of emotion. I believe that a work of art is not a static thing, but a living entity which should reveal new facets upon each viewing. I hope that the viewer is moved by my artwork ; either with an emotional response or a philosophical musing as to it's origin... (Artist's statement)
If you are checking my profile because I "added" you, please know that I do not add indiscriminately - I only add pages that intrigue me in some way - If I like someone's pictures, music, art, writing, or even their profile pic - I'll click on the "add to friends" button... I am still trying to get a handle on this whole myspace thing; at first I thought it was one big circle jerk of bored teenagers and struggling garage bands, but as of late I have found pockets of very creative and unique individuals and like anything in life, if you delve deeply enough you will find something of interest.... Hope you find my page interesting and thanks for stopping by!