About Me
GEEZ... time does fly, doesn't it? And it appears I've moved?!?! Hhmmmm... funny, my surroundings look the same (and I REALLY hate the cold!!!) I'm an artist and a poet... and a "sometimes" entrepreneur, who chooses to seek out the creative facets of life. I'm mathematically and sometimes technologically challenged, but make up for those short-comings with provacative, philosophical thought. (Or at least I try to!)
Besides, my spouse nearly 15 years is the logical/professional one, and no household (in my opinion) needs two of the same... that would be overkill, right? He's very good at what he does, so we balance each other out :)... a pretty good catch, indeed! My two beautiful italian greyhounds, Louisa and Izabella, complete our family, and are two of the greatest joys of my life! I'm a cyber-member of a really fantastic and diverse, multicultural church in Conyers, Ga. called Church in the Now.
Elle's Playlist
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My Blog
"Back to the Garden"
The underlying theme of this collage/assemblage is one of universal reconciliation.
I took a photograph of a garden wall in Savannah, Ga, and transferred it to the canvas. I built this piece out by us...
Posted by on Thu, 22 May 2008 21:02:00 GMT
i hide my ears and plug-up my eyes,
all the while hearing, seeing,
minus sight or sound
i sniff Spirit like a dog an outsider,
however, Spirit lives within and is
Posted by on Mon, 10 Dec 2007 21:53:00 GMT
Love this quote by May Sarton: "It always comes back to the same necessity: go deep enough and there is a bedrock of truth, however hard."
My mind comes back to this subject often... the power of trut...
Posted by on Sun, 02 Dec 2007 16:36:00 GMT
Hey everyone, here's my latest and a little about it... I'd love to hear what you think!I chose "Kaleidoscope" as the title mostly because to me a kaleidoscope is representative of diversi...
Posted by on Mon, 27 Aug 2007 16:38:00 GMT
"Robinson Meets Mondrian"
This piece is featured on my PHOTOSHOW & in my Artwork Album. This is long, but I'd welcome feedback!"Robinson Meets Mondrian" for the 3rd time (which seems truly a charm). This piece is based on ...
Posted by on Sun, 15 Jul 2007 13:21:00 GMT
"EVE'S REGRET" prose & synopsis of painting
UTOPIA is virtually incomprehensible.The consent of curious Eve to the seduction of SatanDrove her from the Garden in shame;Yet, in that shameful exit We find the history of humanity......
Posted by on Fri, 29 Jun 2007 12:08:00 GMT