i love Jesus, my son and my husband, and singing. i sing alot. i write music. i play my guitar. i cant live without chocolate and pepsi.
I just started making dreamcatchers. I have a cute little website with some previews...but I make them with custom colors and such, too. View my site and click on dreams. Soon I will begin native beading as well. Can't wait to get that started.
I have recently begun to delve into my heritage and the beliefs of my tribe. It's pretty cool. I have a journal about it all on LiveJournal *but it's friends only* Finding Purity
I also love to help others help themselves...especially when it comes to finanancial freedom and time to yourself and your family. They are the most precious commodities.
No one should live in debt and fear of losing all they possess.
No one should be subjected to making just enough NOT to qualify for assistance, but not enough to make ends meet.
Find YOUR way out ... I am.
About You, Yourself, And You
name: suni
age: 26
location: nj
sex: f
hair color: brown
eye color: brown
height: 5'4"
clothing style: casual n cute
single or taken: so married it's scary
are you a perv: only with my man
do you swear: yes when im mad
parents divorced: nope
any piercings--if any, DO TELL!: ears
any tattoos--if any, DO TELL!: want one
straight or gay/lesbo: STR8
left or right handed: right
food: italian
music genre: alternative
color: purple
restaurant: maplewood
song: right now: Ring the Alarm by beyonce
music artist(s): Fiona Apple, Linkin Park, 12 Stones
sport: volleyball
clothing store: rue 21
perfume/cologne: body by victoria
channel: LIFETIME
show: frasier
Do You Play...
acoustic guitar: yesh
electrical guitar: i wish
saxophone: nope
clarinet: in 5th grade
violin: wanted to
viola: no
bass guitar: not
drums: no
trumpet: no
trombone: no
tuba: no
baritone: no
flute: no
oboe: no
bass drum: no
TAMBERINE!: only in church
Have You Ever...
drank: yesh
smoked: yesh
gotten high: yesh
gotten drunk: yesh
moshed: HECK YEAH
danced in the rain: yes
sang in the rain: yes
made out with someone: yes
kiss someone for that matter (this does not include family): yes
wondered what tomorrow is gonna be like: yes
watched a porno: yes
masterbated: yes
done something that broke your heart, but made someone else happy: yes
set your best friend up with you SECRET crush: yes
gone out with your best friend's ex-girl/boyfriend: yes
flicked off your rentals (parents): yes
called someone you're related to, "hott": yes
grinded (the dancing way): yes
kissed your best friend that is the same sex: yesh
In A Guy Or Girl You Like Best
eye color: liquid brown or blue
hair color: dark brown or black
hair length: depends on their face
eye brows: not connected...please
weight: dont care, just LOOK GOOD
pervy or no: hmmm
height: 5'7" and up
clothing style: casual baggy
music taste: anything NOT fright rock or country
___ Or ___
fake or true: true
skaters or "ghetto" people: more ghetto
stalkers you don't know or annoying people you do know: NO
school dances or school football games: dances and games
vegetarian or meat all that wayyy: vegetarian
pepsi or coca-cola: pepsi
micky d'z or burger king: wendys
dancing in the rain or kissing in the rain: both at the same time
hott and a HUGE biatch or ugly and the NICEST person ever: nice person
lovers or just friends: loooovers
single or group dates: single
being single or being taken: taken by the right person ;)
making out or just a peck: making out
tuna or ham: tuna
fish or chips: fish
ice cream or cake: ice cream with cake
diet coke or mountain dew: EWWWW
red bull or monster: dont need them
peanut butter or jelly: all together
chicken or beef: chicken
iced tea or regular tea: both
cream soda or sprite: cream soda
ryan sheckler or carmen electra: carmen
zac efron or pamela anderson: pam
MUSIC ___ Or ___
rock or pop: rock
metal or classical: classical
rap or country: rap
opera or R&B: do i have to choose?
Rascall Flatts or Slipknot: slipknott
Motion City Soundtrack or H.I.M.: HIM
Death Cab For Cutie or M.I.A.: Death Cab
AC/DC or The Rolling Stones: no choosing
Buckwheat Boys or Nelly: nelly
Teddy Geiger or Shakira: shakira
The Donnas or The Veronicas: donnas
Madonna or Cher: madonna
Armor For Sleep or Ray-J: armor
Rage Against The Machines or Unwritten Law: rage
The Bloodhound Gang or The Beatles: beatles
System Of A Down or Sugarcult: system
Weezer or Green Day: they are so similar
Panic! At The Disco or The Used: used
Ashlee Simpson or Jessica Simpson: NEITHER
Pink or Aqua: pink
In-School Related
been to the principal's office: yes
got in trouble for something you didn't do: Y
do the words "oral in the bathroom/closet" ring a bell: N
sang in the halls: Y
tripped in the halls: Y
been to the bathroom: Y
peed your pants: when i was like 2
threw up: Y
flicked off your teacher: N
talked back to the principal: N
ever been expelled: N
ever been suspended: Y
hugged a dude/lady you hated: Y
got in a fight: Y
kicked outta class: Y
cell phone rang/beeped/vibrated: N
Do You Own A...
computer (obviously): Y
cell phone: Y
home phone: Y
CD(s): Y
bed: Y
shoes: Y
clothes: Y
blow-up doll: who needs that???
DVD(s): Y
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I'd like to meet:
Juanita Bynum and Thomas Weeks III, TD Jakes and Serita Jakes, Joyce Meyer, Creflo Dollar, Paula White, John Hagee, 12 Stones, and myself eventually :)the background is from herecheck out my Gabcast
the name is BulletproofSoul. Me and little Taz can be found there chatting it up and giving some good tips for life ;)
Christian Rock/Alternative/Worship
Lord of the Rings trilogy, Chronicles of Narnia, Charlie and the Chocolate factory, beautiful mind, four brothers, elektra, sky high, Taxi, Garden State, singin' in the rain, pillow talk, the princess bride, the last unicorn, anything with jim carey/ben stiller/adam sandler, men in tights, butterfly effect, matrix trilogy, bringin' down the house, zoolander, star wars nontilogy (if they ever finish it), shark tale, finding nemo, irobot, alien vs. predator, anything from cloud ten pictures, batman (the one with Michael Keaton), spiderman, rocky quintilogy, and a bunch more i cant think of right now
christopher lowell, the golden girls, good times, the jeffersons, american chopper, monster garage & house, mythbusters, everybody loves raymond, dharma & greg, motormouth, boiling points, pimp my ride, double agents, real world philadelphia, george lopez, hope & faith, 8 simple rules (i miss john ritter), and a bunch of other ones.
memoirs of cleopatra, raising your spirited child, the strong willed child, teach me how to love you, out of egypt, woman thou art loosed, too blessed to be stressed, life without strife, battlefield of the mind, your wife is not your momma, power of a praying woman, and yet another bunch more i cant think of right now. ooooh yeah and THE BIBLE of course :P
if i go crazy now will you still call me SUPERMAN?
saving the world, one sinner at a time