Janna profile picture


there's more to life than just here and now

My Interests


alternative, acoustic, soul, senti, r&b, some of the classical musics too


My Bestfriends Wedding, With Honors, Lord of the Rings (trilogy), Fast and the Furious


sex and the City. Ren and Stimpy, FRIENDS, Will and Grace,


Art of War, The Client, ABNAKKBSNPLAKO, Boy meets Girl, Da Vinci Code, Angels and Demons, Tuesdays with Morrie, Breaking Da Vinci Code

My Blog

Gemini by Sponge Cola

  Come a little closerFlicker in flightWe'll have about an inch a spaceBut i'm here i can breathe inWhat you breathe outLet me know if i'm doing this rightLet me know if my grip's too tightLet me...
Posted by Janna on Mon, 19 Sep 2005 06:52:00 PST