Chelsea profile picture


32 days till Katies 21st B-day Ya

About Me

Hey there!! I'm Chelsea, a poodle who enjoys being tender. I am from Sonoma County, then dabbled in South Lake Tahoe life for a little bit and now live in Davis, yeah i know... the only thing keeping me from losing it is my POOOOOOODLES!!

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My Interests

Anything that makes me happy ♥ my friends ♥ POODLES ♥ the love of my life jenny doing things like wearing new years hats that double as fireworks and taking many pictures of herself ♥ Shanna -the other love of my life- and her nose ring and her brand new Bebe pants ♥ anything to do with narcoleptic pooodles named skeeter ♥ Kidnapping friends at six in the morning ♥ LINGO ♥ Things that are tender ♥ Regis Philbin ♥ road trips with my poods ♥ beer pong at shannas while she has a HUGE party ♥ I tenderly love sushi! ♥ Afternoon delight beeeeeuuuuuu (see jennnnnnay@ top 8) ♥ game show network ♥ buying a ticket and then not actually snowboarding oooops ♥ buckling under pressure ♥ my new phone vibrate and tickle me holy guuuuuuacamole it play MP3 ♥ WEEE!

I'd like to meet:

I would like to meet Skeeter the poodle who has narcolepsy, or his parents...or this fantastic man...Buddy the Elf!


ELF- only if there is my sister and jenny involved with a bottle of mr. Jack Daniels, Ace Ventura, Rocket my Man, Beauty and the Beast, Run Away Bride, Blow, Dumb and Dumber, Grandmas Boy is soooo tender, I pretty much am a fan of everything that is movie related so just spout out movie name and i will most likely think its is the event that i don't then i'm sorry!


The OC!! Desperate Housewives, LINGO! and or anything on Gameshow Network, As the World Turns-yea day time dramas !


My mom, my dad, my sister, my brother, Ms. Mary Beatrice of Kingsbury, My grandparents who are the most precious beings alive, Jenny, Shanna, Meaghan, Christina, Katie and anyone else that is a Poodle! Oh and I can't forget HINDU SANTA!


My Blog

You can quote me on this II

Me: Rach just got pulled over.Christina: By a cop?-------------------------------------------------------- -------------Hey poods. I'm passing the quote page onto chels. It has been fun though. Love yo...
Posted by Chelsea on Mon, 29 May 2006 11:35:00 PST