~FOR THOSE WHO THINKS THIS IS EMMA WATSON, I'M SORRY BUT THIS IS NOT HER. ALTHOUGH I'M A HUGE FAN.~~hI eVeRyOnE! mY nAmE iS LaUrA jAmEs. I'm A hAlF-bLoOd. My MoM wEaRs tHe PaNtS iN tHe FaMiLy, SiNcE mY dAd Is A mUgGlE. i HaVe A 6yRs OlD bRoThEr; HiS nAmE iS rYaN. aNd ThE nEw MeMbErS oF tHe FaMiLy ArE mY tWiN bAbY bRoThErs, ChRIsToPhEr AnD dAnIeL. I gO tO hOgWaRtS sChOoL oF wItChCrAfT aNd WiZaRdRy. I wAs SoRtEd In HuFfLePuFf AnD i'M a ThIrD yEaR.
I'm A fUn GiRl AnD i'M rEaLlY eAsY tO tAlK tO. i'M iNtErEsTeD iN mUsIc, MoStLy PuNk RoCk, hArRy PoTtEr, AnD bOyS. i AlSo LiKe SpOrTs. QuIdDiTcH iS a ReAlLy PoPuLaR sPoRt In ThE wIzArDiNg WoRlD. mUgGlE sPoRt Is GoOd ToO. I pLaY aBiT oF bAsKeTbAlL aNd VoLlYbAlL bAcK hOmE. wElL iF tHeRe Is AnYtHiNg ElSe YoU wAnA aSk, FeEl FrEe.
I created my own profile using nUCLEArcENTURy.COM and you should too!
Your love is... by ChibiMarronchan
Your name is...
Your kiss is... mysterious
Your hugs are... to die for
Your eyes... twinkle in the moonlight
Your touch is... irresistable
Your smell is... refreshing
Your smile is... encouraging
Your love is... everlasting
Quiz created with MemeGen !
How to make a Laura
5 parts mercy
5 parts humour
3 parts ego
Stir together in a glass tumbler with a salted rim. Top it off with a sprinkle of caring and enjoy!