conversation, how Johnny Marr played the guitar, not even giving a fuck, songs, cooking, the good ones, the young ones, furniture, short stories, discovery, bikes, punk rock, great food, characters, good stories, friends, history, TED talks!
THE FLYING DUTCHMAN, good conversation, everyone else, a nice Victorian, merchandisers, servers that make you want to tip, people in their prime, non-deadline induced all nighters, generous hustlers, cleaned-up convicts and the story behind their story-tattoos, my grandparents, Jewish girls, subtle sisters, best friendables, Jewish-looking girls, bandmates, uninformed folkies, the winning ticket, Egypt, respectable Riversiders, reluctant scholars, party people, curious prudes, blossoming geeks, big fish, a winning streak, bargain bins, a new transmission, minor players, young turks, well educated inmates (pen palz), infinite vag
We are all doing our best