Erin profile picture


Here's the moon it's alright

About Me

aim- Diamond Dog 019

My Interests

.Thai Food
.Lightning Storms
.Tea with Cream
.Lighting things on Fire

I'd like to meet:


.Elliott Smith
.Belle and Sebastian
.Blonde Redhead
.Daft Punk
.Tom Petty
.Nada Surf
.The Pixies
.Depeche Mode
.The Smiths
.Animal Collective
.The Cranberries
.The Shins


.This is Spinal Tap
.Requiem for a Dream
.Love Actually
.Lost in Translation
.Boondock Saints
.The Royal Tenenbaums
.I Heart Huckabees


.Rules the Nation


.Post Secret

My Blog

In Watermelon Sugar

IN WATERMELON SUGAR the deeds were done and done again as my life is done in watermelon sugar. I'll tell you about it because I am here and you are distant.      Wherever you ...
Posted by Erin on Wed, 28 Jun 2006 02:45:00 PST