YING or YANG? profile picture



About Me

Hey PPlz.for those who dun know me Im German!.Im a pretty funny,laid bak kinda guy. like pplz say Quiet at first but warm up quickly. yup Im da Quiet one! =). sun tell my bro kk! =] lol.Im a musician at heart,theres nutin better than jaming along with my friends in Queens and at church in da Bronx!. I also trying new things. Hey! gotta give life some excitement rite?! Get to know me and u may be surprised. laterz!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

. What is Your Name? German
. How old are you? 20
. What is the link to your website, blog, or myspace? to lazy to copy it.lol

. Name Already there!
. Race Latino
. Home Town Colombia
. Current Town College Point NY
. Parents still together nope
. Siblings A lot!!
. Pets My Beautiful dog Mikah!

. Hair Colour Black
. Is it Dyed Nope
. Eye colour Brown
. Glasses/Contacts/None Tried but dint like any, so none
. Freckles haha you wish.
. Shoe Size bout 11
. Piercings None
. Do you get most of your traits from you mum or dad Lolz Good Question.ill ask'em when i get da chance

Likes and Dislikes
. Favourite Colour dark blue
. Favourite Number 7
. Favourite Animal Doggies!!
. Least Favourite Animal hampster or ratz!
. Favourite Ice-Cream Flavour straw berry
. Favourite Drink Pepsi
. Favourite song Wind my sails
. Favourite movie none
. Least Favourite movie none

. Are you single yes!!
. If you're single do you like it yea, its kool
. First kiss at Bowne
1. Have you ever cheated on anyone whaaa no!!
. Ever been cheated on nope
. Longest Relationship 5 months
. Shortest Relationship 1 day
. Have you ever gotten a poem Umm no
. Have you ever gotten flowers yea!! I worked at a flower shop at skool so I got tons!
. Ever cried over someone of the opposite sex No!!
. Ever been dumped yup
. Ever dumped someone yup
. Ever been rejected yup
041. Do you want to get married yup

Opposite Sex (what you are attracted too)
. Hair Colour any
. Eye Colour Brown,Green or Hazel
. Age hmm.....
. Style any
. Muscular or skinny doesnt matter to me =)

Other Questions
. Can you speak another language yup
. Did you do well in school Heck yea!!
. Biggest weakness Heightz
. Do you trust easily I give evryone a chance
. Forgive people easily yup
. Do you have a secret no one knows Duh!! we all do
. What do you want to be when you grow up stay little for life =)
. Goal before you die Change the world

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