Tennis, basketball, physics math, algorithms, organic chemistry used for developong better alcohol that can deliver tipsiness without being sober the next day hahaha. Genetics breed better children so that they be highly intolerable to alcohol.
I met her already.
You name it I like it just as long as it is not prefabricated music.
Remember the titans, gattaca, gladiator all hormone induced movies that has meaning or some with social impact. In pursuit of happiness also tops the list!
Jeopardy, what else CSI somethig about forensic science amazes me maybe someday I can so same things or discover something that could keep and age and the sex hormones pop out from Everywhere hmmm that would be a good solution to the preservation on the species.
Books from Michael Chrichton, Jedi saga Typical Dork Guy, Congo
My mom and dad no matter how crazy I was. They still stood by my side believing in what I can do. My grandfather who started everything from nothing!