Standing on things to make me look taller.
C.S. Lewis. Chuck Palahnuik. Jesus Anyone who is on fire for God. John Mayer (so I can tell him of a friend named Liz) Tim Burton and Johnny Depp. A hot punk rocker boy who will come sweet me off my feet.
Music sets my soul on fire. I fall asleep to the Cranberries And wake up to Fall out boy. Pretty much anything between those two.
Anything by Tim Burton- he intrigues me. Senseless comedies. RENT. Cult classics. Obscure movies. Musicals. Movies that scare the pants off me.
Family Guy, Friends, Grey's Anatomy, American Idol, Trading Spaces, Adult swim...can't sleep most nights. Dawson's Creek, Old school TGIF...anyone remember that?
Currently obcessed with Donald Miller and Rick Mckinley.
Jesus, C.S. Lewis, My family, Evan "P.Diddy" Dodge. ;)