There is this big puzzle with many pieces. The border is a nice place to start. From there you slowly move deeper to the center. The internalizing focus says a lot, eventually with time you get a clear picture. What once was shattered is made whole. Puzzles... puzzling.I write, if you want to read some of my stuff check it out at
Maybe some aquatic life, I miss fire flies. I would like to meet some fireflies and ducks that don't attack you when you feed them. Those attacking ducks are communists, at least thats my theory.
I like quirky people. Individuals who read, artsy and musical types tend to be my favorites, I love to write so if you write I am bound to want to read everything you have written and start a club with you, (This is a very broken cumbersome sentence.) folks who are open and honest tend to win me over. I often give people the benifit of the doubt. Folks who love for Jesus seem to be rare commodity. I could walk all day long and be happy. Kites are cool. It would be nice to have someone new to play in chess or another rummy enthusist. :
I tend to make up little songs in my head when I'm working. It would help if I could actually play an instrument competently or carry a tune.. or have rythem...Waterdeep, mary's den, ben manuel, kevin prosh (I dont know how to spell his name), ben barnes, Trey peirson, Christina Villalobos, halfhanded clouds.
Movies are a wonderful way to pass the time.Gattica, harvey, 12 monkeys, night of the iguana.
I am allergic to animals. Being in a house with animals or a house that has had animals is a horrable experience for me.Boston Legal, Lost. Anime- currently Naruto, Bleach, and One piece.
I read a book about rabbits and I liked it. So now I think anyone with two eyes and the unction to read should be reading about rabbits too. Its silly/juvinille but unless you read it you can't aruge with me on any level of substance. Watership down.
I like my sandwhiches dressed with blueplate mayo and a cheese type only.Jesus the Christ.