cRisTeLee profile picture


LetS kEeP oN roCkiN' iN d' fReE wOrLd!

About Me

weLL... uummm.... hmmm...

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My Interests

pEopLe--- tHe rEasOn wHy iM LiviNg, FasHion--- LovIn iT sO muCh, mOvies--- iT rELaxEs mE, mUsiC--- iT mAkes mE hIgh, fOOd--- gIVes me sAtisFactIon, nAture--- iT maKes me LovE LifE moRe, dIFfErenT cuLtures--- coOL tHinGs N eArtH wHich i aDore, sPORts--- LeaVes mE sTresS-fRee...

I'd like to meet:

yOu, hIM, hEr, tHEm... aNyOne!!!


rNb, hIphOp, hOusE, aLterNatiVe, rOck, jAzz, reGGae


LeGeNds oF tHe FaLL, sErEndiPitY, mEet JoE bLaCk, jErrY mAgUiRe, wEddiNg sInger. vaNiLLa iCe, LiTtLe prIncEss, wHen a mAn LovEs a wOmaN, bRaveHeart, mAtiLda, eVer After, cRazy beAutIfuL, mrS. dOubtFire, cuTTing eDge, rEaLity biTes, sTand bY me, cApe fEar, sAna mAuLit muLi, mAy miNamaHaL, 50 fIRst dAtes, hOw tO dEal, eNtraPmeNT. NaturAL bOrn kiLLErs, firSt kNight, mErLin, a waLk tO reMemBer, LaSt sAmurAi, HaRRy pOttER, LOTR...


tHe oSbOurNes, pUnK'd, ripLey's beLieVe iT or Not!, aMericAs fUnniEst viDeos, MTV, rEaLity sHoWs, HBO, cINEmAx, fOR LovE oR moNey, meeT mY fOLkS, 5tH wHeeL, eTC, E ChAnnEL, mYx, dIScoVerY cHAnnEL, aNimAL cHannEL. cArtooN nEtwoRk, dIsNey cHannEL, nIckELodeOn...


hONeStLy... iM noT iNto rEadINg... bUt if iM in d' mooD to reaD... i wOuLd dEfiNItely piCk a bOoK tHat haS sOMethINg to sAy aBOut Life, Love, FriendsHip, and sOMe uNIque things to LEarN...

My Blog

LeAviNg yOu...

Leaving you Im watching me make a fool of myselfSilently speaking my wish to be freeTurning my world inside outSpin my emotions building my doubtI fed on you strangeness plain and trueBut there was no...
Posted by cRisTeLee on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST