Elijah profile picture


Who ME??? A father????

About Me

I am a new father, lovin it. Doin great at my fairly new job as an assistant project engineer(estimator) for a construction/architecture firm that designs and builds star homes. Thats about it, if you don't know ask.

Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting

My Interests

ANY THING FUN. specifics, cycling, snowboarding, football, movies, games, animals, computers, and architecture.

I'd like to meet:

People.... i will leave it at that.


Tool, Pink Floyd, Eminem, Dj Quick, D TOX, RAP, Rock, Metal


halfbaked, snatch, jp, supertroopers, pink floyds the wall, charlie and the choco factory, punisher,ace ventura1&2. I like action, comedy, and horror. I love movies, I have seen so many its hard to remeber which ones I like best.


FAMILY GUY, I don't really like tv shows, I would rather watch a movie.


HMMMMM....? whats a book. j/k Well the truth of the matter is I am not real big on the reading thing, I can't pay attentions to the book long enough to remeber what happened at the top of the page, so books can be a little annoying to read, Damn dyslexia.


ME!!!!!! Ok seroiusly, um I think that would have to be the one and only Lance Armstrong. He is the shit. Anyone who can survive cancer is an amazing person, but then to go and win the tour de france 7 times, thats a hero.

My Blog


Hey anyone who reads this, so I haven't blogged in a long ass time. I thought is was about time to do one.  Ok so here it is, my life up to date.  Well I am content right now, I just got my ...
Posted by Elijah on Thu, 06 Apr 2006 09:15:00 PST