Gen profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I choose my friends for their good looks, my acquaintances for their characters, and my enemies for their brains. I choose my friends for their good looks, my acquaintances for their characters, and my enemies for their brains.

My Interests

Computer Games {Counterstrike, Yuri's Revenge, Ragnarok, Warcraft: Frozen Throne, Sims 2}, PS2, and Beyonce Knowles Computer Games {Counterstrike, Yuri's Revenge, Ragnarok, Warcraft: Frozen Throne, Sims 2}, PS2, and Beyonce Knowles

I'd like to meet:

I want friends to laugh with me, to be grave with me, to please me and help my discrimination with his or her own remark, and at times, no doubt, to admire my acuteness and penetration. I want friends to laugh with me, to be grave with me, to please me and help my discrimination with his or her own remark, and at times, no doubt, to admire my acuteness and penetration.


Rap, Pop, RnB, Alternative, Rock, Acid Jazz, Acid Rock, Punk Rock, Classsical, Opera. Rap, Pop, RnB, Alternative, Rock, Acid Jazz, Acid Rock, Punk Rock, Classsical, Opera.


The Last Emperor, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, M.I. 1&2, Hannibal, Silence of the Lambs, Dances with Wolves,Legends of the Fall, Kill BIll, Finding Nemo, Monster's Inc, The Quick and the Dead, Butterfly Effect, Notting Hill. The Last Emperor, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, M.I. 1&2, Hannibal, Silence of the Lambs, Dances with Wolves,Legends of the Fall, Kill BIll, Finding Nemo, Monster's Inc, The Quick and the Dead, Butterfly Effect, Notting Hill.


Oprah, Survivor series, Big Brother, Fear Factor, American Idol, Baywatch, David Letterman, Conan O' Brian, Punkd, MTV Dismissed, Dexter's Lab, Spongebob, Justice League, X-men Evo. Oprah, Survivor series, Big Brother, Fear Factor, American Idol, Baywatch, David Letterman, Conan O' Brian, Punkd, MTV Dismissed, Dexter's Lab, Spongebob, Justice League, X-men Evo.


JoHn GrisHam : The Pelican Brief, The Bleachers, The Summons, A time to kill, The Partner. Dan Brown: Da Vinci Code, Angels and Demons, Digital Fortress. Paulo Coelho: The Alchemist. Gabriel Garcia Marquez:100 Years of Solitude JoHn GrisHam : The Pelican Brief, The Bleachers, The Summons, A time to kill, The Partner. Dan Brown: Da Vinci Code, Angels and Demons, Digital Fortress. Paulo Coelho: The Alchemist. Gabriel Garcia Marquez:100 Years of Solitude


Nelson Mandela, Gandhi, FDNY Nelson Mandela, Gandhi, FDNY