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Who Me??

About Me

Let's Play

I, for all intents and purposes am a media hound, a television addict and a reality show fan. Give me an episode of Survivor any day! I work at a television station as a videographer. I also freelance and run camera for car races, horse races, basketball and concerts. I have worked at two Olympic games, the 1996 sumemr games in Atlanta, Georgia and the 2000 winter games in Salt Lake City, Utah.I am ambitious-I want to travel the world, move to a big city, get totally out of debt get a Great Dane...

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My Interests

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I'd like to meet:

Ron Howard-the Edge-Sting-the person who CAN eat just one


U2-Sting-The Police(of course)-The Killers-Kanye West-most 80's hair bands-Bon Jovi-The Beatles-Daft Punk


Silence of the Lambs-Office Space-Copote-Pretty in Pink-The Breakfst Club


CSI Miami and Las Vegas-Law and Order(all of them)-THE OFFICE!!-Survivor-Roseanne-I Love Lucy-Dick Van Dyke-Burns & Allen...





My Blog

Things I want 2 Do

 I have been thinking of things I want to do in my life.  I'm only 32 but 40 comes quick then 50 and 60 and so on. Here is a list of some of the things I have wanted to do for a long time. &...
Posted by Amelia on Thu, 31 Aug 2006 01:52:00 PST

Happy Birthday to Me

It's my birthday, and like always it will probably be un-eventful.  Everyone who was going to do anything for my birthday did it earlier in the week. - A friend of mine surprised me with a cake...
Posted by Amelia on Thu, 10 Aug 2006 07:17:00 PST

Go "figure"

I think I want to run a 5K.  Yes it's only just over three miles but you have to start somewhere, right??  I just finished a book with the requisite story of the person who was never a runne...
Posted by Amelia on Mon, 19 Jun 2006 03:15:00 PST