Tai --
A master of sexual gratification
'How will you be defined in the sexual dictionary?' at QuizUniverse.comI love to travel....open my mind up to different cultures..
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Whatzz..good..This Tai Law..ya know what 2 do...
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What color are you? (Amazingly detailed & accurate--with pics!)
You are the color pink. As a beautiful and sweet human, you are everybody's favorite person. Healthy and energetic, you're often seen spreading the happines. As an unusually charming and sweet person, you're always ready to comfort people who are down. You sympathize with everyone, but not always yourself. Aside from that, you are light-hearted and cheery. And you make it your duty to make every cloud have
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Everything....r&B, hip hop, old skool, and maybe even a lil kuntry and rock n roll
comedies, after i watch a scary movie
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Im a busy girl...never have time to chill and watch tv like dat.
Karrine Steffan's Confessions of a Video Vixen...dat book is da shit!!
Myself and my cuzin Trenise...my nigga
How old were you your first time? 16
Have you loved everyone you slept with Yes...Loved Both
How many people? 2
Whats you main method of birth control? Nuva Ring~sometimes
Have you ever had sex in a public place? yes...the Movies
Have you ever had a one night stand? scared to say...lol
Do you watch porn? To take Notes...:)
Whats your favorite sexual position? Gettin it from da Back...on my knees...lol
Anal sex... Fa sho, Maybe so, or No go? Hell NO
Phone sex... Fa sho, Maybe so, or No go? Maybe so
How often do you masturbate? Never..dont do shit for me
Ever kissed two people in the same night? Yes
Ever been naked in public? The World aint ready for dat...lol
Have you had sex with someone of the same sex? No
Are you comfortable receiving oral? SHIIIT...call me and ask me dat again..
Are you comfortable giving oral?
Do you cream (white while having sex)? Not lately
Spit or swallow? depends
Have you ever had an orgasm? Not lately
Which makes you cum quicker, sex or head? head
Have you ever had a menage'trois? NOpe
Do you know where your G-Spot is? Nope...
If the opporitunity presented itself, would you do me? Uh....?
What was the longest time it took for you to cum?
Have you ran a train on a chick?
Which do you prefer, head or sex?
Have you ever been sprung?