Aaron profile picture


babe i cant lose you anymore because the more i lose you the more i get attached to you and i just w

About Me

Love Myspace Layouts Volcom Myspace Layouts Cute Myspace Layouts Sunset Myspace Layouts Gangster Myspace Layouts 420 Myspace Graphics Alcohol Myspace Layouts Final Fantasy Myspace Layouts Emo Myspace Layouts Tropical Myspace Layouts
heyy babe guess what??? i love you:
this is brenda here: so about us...hmm...we have had our ups and downs and there are girls out there trying to get in between us but we stay true to our feelings and we've realizd that we cant keep letting other ppl get in between us like before. no mater how hard we try we cant live without each other and thats what brings us closer together and makes us the happy couple we are. this loser right here really is my world...he helps me through all my problems && is the only one who can put up with me through my b**chy moods...hhhmmm...maybe thats why i love him so much. =]
so what i knoe about my boog, his name is aaron, born on april 6,1993 in walnut creek, ca. (i dunno if thats important.)current status is: taken

My Interests

Women, ladiez, and hunniez

I'd like to meet:

aaron daniel huang got hacked! :D


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CINEMAx late @ night


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