Making sock monkeys,
Making things anything,
Nintendo DS,
Foreign Movies,
Movies with Subtitles,
Being a Goof Ball,
Looking up at the stars and feeling like im really looking down on them,
Singing in my car,
Jumping on the trampoline like a maniac,
Learning new Things,
Getting used to new people,
Taking my dogs for walks,
Playing aroudn with the ninja cat,
The way ice feels when you swallow it and let it melt in your throat,
Wrapping lol im a rapper (I always wanted to say that),
making up new words (like trickadelic),
Freaking out about getting a hair cut,
Using the dog to pledge the floor,
Annoying my little sister in general,
Rocking (I rock),
Thinking of phrases to put on t-shirts ("You arnt putting your meat in my cheese"),
Plain cheerios in a cup,
Listing my interest :D
Oh yeah and dancing like this guy
follow AurianSky at
I'd like to meet:
You, and Abraham Lincoln I've always wanted to try on his cool hat :D. Someone that is willing to teach me to play drums, its become a new goal of mine.
The Postal Service,
Jack's Mannequin,
Dashboard Confessional,
Taking Back Sunday,
Saves the Day,
The Get Up Kids,
The Killers,
Green Day,
Blink 182,
All American Rejects,
Bright Eyes,
The Honorary(sp) Title,
Letters to Cleo,
My Chemical Romance,
The Subways,
Death Cab for Cutie,
Fall Out Boy,
Franz Ferdinand,
The libertines,
The Bravery,
The 5, 6, 7, 8's,
The Ataris,
Brand New,
Bowling for Soup,
The Clash,
Count the Stars,
Further Seems Forever,
Hot Hot Heat,
Hot Rod Circuit,
Jack Johnson,
The Killers,
Le Tigre,
Louise XIV,
Modest Mouse,
No Doubt,
Panic! at the disco,
Pretty Girls Make Boys Cry,
Rocking Horse Winners,
The Shins, Slowreader,
Something Corporate,
Snow Patrol,
The Starting Line,
Sum 41,
Tegan and Sara,
The Yeah Yeah Yeahs,
M. Ward,
Blue October
Amelie, Lord of the Rings, Drop Dead Fred, Harry Potter (3 and 4), Green Street Hooligans, Fish Called Wanda, United States of Leland, The Royal Tenebaums, Dirty Pretty Things, Run Lola Run, The Spanish Apartment, The Life Aquatic, The ChumScrubber, About a Boy, Everythign is Illuminated, Little Miss Sunshine, Hitchhickers Guide to the Galaxy
Hereos, Gilmore girls, Ugly Betty, Saturday morning cartoons, Infomercials (they're hypnotic), Lost, Jericho,
Interview with the Vampire, The Vampire Lestat, Queen of the Damned, Tale of the Body Thief, Memnoch the Devil, Hairstyles of the Damned, Perks of being a wallflower, Hitchhickers Guide to the Galaxy,