2% milk. andrew bird. air. arcade fire. beck. belle and sebastian. ben harper. beth orton. bjork. bob dylan. calexico. cat power. cat stevens. clem snide. coldplay. cowboy junkies. cream. dar williams. devendra banhart. ester drang. fiona apple. greg brown. hollertronix. iron & wine. jeff buckley. joanna newsom. johnny cash. joseph arthur. keren ann. loretta lynn. m.ward. mogwai. mum. nada surf. nate campany. nick catchdubs. over the rhine. pedro the lion. pete yorn. radiohead. rilo kiley. sigur ros. sondre lerche. spiritualized. stars. sufjan stevens. syd barrett. teitur. the beatles. the cinematic underground. the cure. the magic numbers. the weakerthans. the who. tom waits. u2. wilco. woody guthrie.
battle royale. benny & joon. best in show. buffalo '66. edward scissorhands. empire records. goonies. greasy lake. honey i shrunk the kids. newsies. office space. royal tennenbaums. shawshank redemption. spaceballs. the sandlot.
i find television very educational. every time someone turns it on i go into another room and read a book. _groucho marx
anything c.s. lewis has ever written.antoine de saint exupery: the little prince.john stone: the monster at the end of the book.j.r.r. tolkien: the silmarilion.sheldon vanauken: a severe mercy.f. scott fitzgerald: the great gatsby.