Follow through. Music, politics, anthropology, whimsy. Passions, My friends and their passions. Humor, affection, gifts (material/immaterial), positive declarations, multi-lingualism. And out of nowhere a profound love of well-played soccer (football/futbol.)
Someone who can explain to me the purpose of this "who I'd like to meet" section. That said, I'll just go with my general list.
A. A muse.
B. One true love. (Done and done. I like meeting him many places.)
C. Corky St. Claire.
D. A new and improved relationship to managing money (...hahahahaha, oh man.)
E. A nonviolent future.
Regarding the last bit, I always enjoy meeting anyone that makes his/her life a contribution to the world by helping to raise global awareness and the standard by which all people live.
Click here to learn what's happening in Darfur, Sudan
I play guitar for my friends, but never "perform." If you're lucky and I'm in the mood I'll sing to you, but it's generally a surprise, abeit a nice one.
Watch those.
I'm undecided. I agree with the whole "KILL YOUR TV" idea.
HOWEVER, when I have the time, I don't mind watching TV. I don't know which stand to take without feeling like a hypocrite.
Haroun and the Sea of Stories, Shopgirl, Jane Eyre, Bel Canto, Harry Potter(the series), Their Eyes Were Watching God, and pretty much anything written by Roald Dahl and David Sedaris.
Beyond Prince Charming right here:
...and all for valid and different reasons: Jim Henson, Nelson Mandela, Gandhi, Bonnie Raitt, Peter Cook, Anne Bancroft, Dudley Moore, Ani Difranco, my Dad, Honorary Uncle Mike, Harry Potter, Eddie Izzard, Lucinda Williams, Jon Stewart, my Mom, my friends... etc. I am open to having many heroes, the world is more magical this way.
Especially my cousin Deegan (to your left), for this and so many other reasons:
And now for more of the same...
I like aquariums... I battle sharks on the side. I dunno, all in a day's work I s'pose.
Then I chillax with the homies. I'm a badass mammajamma, you know how we do.
Oh the lovely Lau and I ("Get out of my head!")
In pseudo-submarine boat thing. Geez there are a lot of fish on this page so far...
This is a demonstration of the bulldog face, Sarah is clearly better at it.
And the baby cousins, they are the most absolute bestest.
Three complimentary glasses of champagne later, it does appear to be a truly Happy New Year. "2006 year of...[you fill in the blank]!"
Another of Chloe's Birthday's. Allison, Deegan, Me, and the glow of all the fun.
Brother + Me + Berkeley Rugby Field = good times.
Mom to the left, me to the right, perched atop a bench before the Bay Area horizon.
Crystal and Efram steal - yet another - kiss. Yeah, he's a regular pint-sized Romeo. Shameless.
Riley, me.
Riley, me, part 2.
The Friday night culprits...
Saturday night: the beer wench and Snow White at Fred 62(Snow White in process of freezing ass off.)
Images from a waking dreamlife. I said.
Scruggs and Efram in San Francisco...