Abdullah profile picture


Make Money Till You Drop Dead!!

About Me

Hehehe.... I well... hymm... dunnoe what to say

My Interests

yoyo, Juggling, Diabolos, Guitar, PS2, Relax One Corner (ROC), Sleeping, Travel in Singapore and Waste ny time to repair or Explore all The MAchine Operated stuff such as Mobile Phone, Wiring Etc..

I'd like to meet:

someone special... and do extra odinary stuff


Punk Rock, R'n'B, Hip Hop, Relaxing Classic, Techno And many more


Hehe.. Gladiator, Harry Poter, Lord of the Ring, Dead End and many more..


i Less watch TV but these are some that i can remember. Meteor Garden, Anak Metropolitan, cartoons


A walk to remember - Nicholas Sparks


Batman, Superman.. Neo Anderson, Abdullah, I also hero la...

My Blog

Hi there... Check this Out

http://groups.msncom/yoyofreelance it is place where most of the yoyoeir gather from Singapore
Posted by Abdullah on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST