Jill profile picture


I cried because Layla and Bud love Bully better!

About Me

Well, many of you will be like who in the world is this? well just to let you know have been completely changed and transformed by my SAVIOR Jesus Christ!!!!!! I have decided to follow Jesus (to quote an old song) and there will be no turning back! and this is not the hypocrite that many of you know oh so well, this is the real deal! I still love you even if you don't want to be my friend anymore. it is okay! I have joy now that I never knew possible! and YOU can have it too! No I haven't flipped my lid! I have been forgiven for all the crap and nastiness that has separated from my Lord for so many years!

Myspace Layouts
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My Interests

"You were taught with reguard to your former way of life to put off your old self which is being corrupted by its decietful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds, and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness." Eph. 4. 22-24

I'd like to meet:

My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness!!!!!!!! II Cor. 12: 9




Where The Heart Is, cheeziest and bestest movie EVER, and The Little Mermaid, ELF


I remember tv.....


Willard and Spackman


Jesus Christ my Redeemer!!!!!!!!My coolest Roommate Ever...Jamie Bull!!!!

My Blog

I really couldn’t have said it better myself.....

..> I've been here beforeNow, here I am againStanding at the doorPraying You'll let me back inTo label meA prodigal would beOnly scratching the surfaceOf who I've been known to beTurn me around, pi...
Posted by Jill on Sat, 22 Sep 2007 09:07:00 PST