Art, Astrology, Camping, Creativity, DDR, Friends & Family, Intelligent conversations, Love, Movies, MUSIC!, Philosophy, Poetry, Psychology, Swimming, Traveling, Video Games, Writing
Many people, especially anyone of the following:
Honest people who don't mind being who they are.
Creative, poetic, or musically inclined individuals.
Humorous, intelligent, fun people.
Those who will be by your side.
Good listeners.
Fun drunks...
Porn stars...
My next true friend.
I probably have one of the most diverse music tastes of anyone... most often listening to Techno, Euro, Classical, Dance, Trance, Top 40, my own compositions, and 300 Gigs of everything else.
I need to update this:
My all-time favorite movie is What Dreams May Come. Fantasy, dramas, romantic comedies, action, suspense usually capture my interest--although in good company I will watch and enjoy just about anything.
300, AI, Billy Elliot, Bourne Trilogy, Chronicles of Narnia, Constantine, Contact, 50 First Dates, Finding Nemo, Fried Green Tomatoes, G.I. Jane, Harry Potter (all), Holiday, Ice Age, King Kong, LoTR Trilogy, Matrix Trilogy, Meet The Parents/Fockers, Mission Impossible 2, Monsters Inc., Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Notting Hill, Ocean's Eleven, Pan's Labyrinth, Pirates of the Caribbean, Queen of the Damned, Robots, The Saint, Scary Movie 1&2, Shrek trilogy, The Sixth Sense, Sphere, Spiderman 2, Star Wars Trilogy, Superman, The Talented Mr. Ripley, Terminator 2, The Time Machine, Titanic, Total Recall, Virus, War of the Worlds, Wild Things, Xmen trilogy, Zathura.
.. I don't make time for much TV... but DVDs, TIVO, and downloaded videos help me to keep up with my favorite shows: Charmed, Drawn Together, Family Guy, Futurama, Heroes, Kyle XY, Robot Chicken, Ugly Betty.
Back when I used to read...
Anything fantasy.
Jack Chalker, Xanth or any book by Piers Anthony, The Chronicles of Narnia, Lord of the Rings, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
My friends and family
Anyone who willing makes a positive change through the face of adversity.