mesmerize profile picture


"You can be my silver spring"

About Me

misunderstood and proud of it, always looking to the stars to find i am only looking within. I love animals we see ourselves in them are good and bad without lies but with unconditonal love. a hopeless romantic by nature i enjoy the struggle of life and hope to never give in to negativity yet it is of us and ours to bear like the ring of power and it will be learning and strugules till my end

mesmerize wants you to check out a photo on MySpace in the Essai au clair de lune album

Photobucket Album

My Interests

making this world better by educating with a smile showing our young ones compassion is not a weakness, through example and through song make the right music in a time of need and hopefully timeless in its effect

I'd like to meet:

someone real and wonderful


anything real from the heart: ethereal sounds,scracthy records,Velvet underground,collaborations This mortal coil,bauhuas,xmal deuctheland,M 83 cocteautwins so many!!!


all the starwars trilogys, godfather trilogy bram strokers dracula john lennon imagine


with pictures LOL Lord of the rings triology


Anyone who stands for those who are in despair and alone