Seeing elements of design in everything I encounter... art, fashion, music, people and even mortgages.
Daily growing in my understanding of God.... which will never be a completed task.
Spending time with people & getting beneath the surface...
I decided I want to start playing tennis, I don't think I have ever actually played a real game, but I think I am going to start... I've been saying this for 3 years...
The change that occurs between seasons
Well crafted beer, especially stouts and porters
Candles from Anthropologie
Watching Futbol matches at the George and Dragon
Mars Hill Church
Writing and painting
College football
Going to shows
Jesus. every day.
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Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Vampire Weekend!
Rear Window
Sleeping Beauty
and pretty much anything comedy
30 Rock
The Bible- currently reading Matthew, Ephesians, & 1 Samuel Donald Miller's books CS Lewis John Piper The Saving Life of Christ, By Major Ian Thomas Matt Chandler (listening to his sermons online- SO good!)
Jesus Christ....He spoke creation into existence and is the only man in history that EVERYONE must reconcile with in one way or another...