playn b ball n v ball chyllen wid friendz meetin boiizzz haha talkyn on mi cellii n computa nd anythyn else haha
new cutteeeee boiiz nd anyone nd errii one haha i would also lyk to meet the hotti gottiz aka john, carmine, n frankie gottii! ahh der sooooo hottttt hahaha
mostly rap reggaeton hip hop stuff lyk dat or any kindd of muzik really haha
saw the grudge white chikz umm oldies lyk grease n hair spray n west side storiioda movies too dat i cant thynk of ryt now haha
ummm really mtv n bet yeaaaaaaaaumm anythyn really haha
i d k i dont read dat much anythyn i guess haha
basically mi parentz i guess i dont kno