THESE ARE A FEW OF MY FAVORITE THINGS: My son Isaac, lots 'o' coffee, the rain, the late night hours, music, clubing, working out, jerry springer, architecture, egyptian studies, fuzzy (talkin' bout my cat u perv), myspace, i'm a news junkie (how nerdy), my friends (how sentimental), skunk scent, 99 cents store, making strange deals with my sis
HONEST and REAL people that are not into drama. I really like people that can hold a conversation and people that I can learn from! Also interested in meeting other designers and artists for networking and possible collaboration on projects.
If this isn't you.....
"Get Outta My Space!"
My musical tastes are all over the map but my favorites are the dark stuff, electronic, industrial, metal, old punk, 80s
My Dad — 2006
May He Rest In Peace!
My Son, Isaac!