Art Direction, Design, Design software, out of the ordinary people, odd and obscure facts about nature and science. I can't go long without listening to live music. Clubs, Lounges, Dive Bars. Not really a sports bar guy. I love camping, the boundary waters, beaches and a good fire. I'm not afraid of double black diamonds or jumping off of the occasional cliff.
People that want me to dazzle them with my freelance graphic design/art director abilities! People that have good karma and PMA. Friends that I've lost contact with and friends that I've never met.Other than that I tend to gravitate to the craziest people in the room. They're having the most fun.The slide show below is of a few places I'd like to be and things I like to see. I wish I could say that I shot any of them but I didn't. They're from the professional and not so professional photographers on Flickr. It's a great place for visual inspiration.
Strictly Polka!
What do you suggest? I like 'em funny or fantasy.
Way too much lately! So I'm switching over to internet exploration. If you like looking at cool photography, or what I think is cool anyway, check out Flickr and do a search for HDR.
Favorite authors would be Hunter S. Thompson, Chuck Palahniuk, Ann Rice (The Vampire Chronicles), Tolkien, Kurt Vonnegut, Bukowski, and whatever I can borrow from friends.