mooovies, gothic and industrial music, dancing, people, peek-tures!, Mini Coopers, sewing, jewelery making, trying new resturants, humor, discussion, opinions,cider, sangria!, travel, dreams! aspirations!,making clothing, Dr. Pepper, chai tea lattes, coffeeeeeeee, choooooclate, pumpkins, cooking,Fluevogs, books BOOKS books, magazines, family trees, history, cats,dawgs, blah blah blah
the same as above. ha ha, you don't have to have red hair, tats or piercings, just be accepting of them :)
My theme song has been and will always be The Fatal Impact by Dead Can Dance. I love Rasputina,Skinny Puppy-in fact if I were a stripper-haha, I would strip to The Choke,wish I could find it on here so you could hear it...a wink wink. Legendary Pink Dots, Autumn, Siouxsie, Lycia, the Hives, Nick Cave, The Birthday Party,Wumpscut, Orange Sector, Covenant, Screams for Tina, Mephisto Walz, Faith and Disease, Faith and the Muse, TMITG, Wax Trax artisits, any Goth or Industrial, really.
the list is long. Johnny Dangerously I would have to say is all time favorite as well as The Jerk. I also love The Nightmare Before Christmas, Frida, Practical Magic, any Wallace and Grommit, Basquait.........
I do try to catch Lost and Navy NCIS, but mainly the tv is just for some background noise while i am creating something or reading. id rather rent stuff on DVD
The Lovely Bones, Dogs of Bable, Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister, Wicked, Practical Demonkeeping, My sisters keeper,....this list goes on and on as well. I love!
movers & shakers.....people who create things.....people who destroy things....people that DO things!