Tarheel_Koyote profile picture


Dayum if its not one thing its another

About Me

Well first of all i like to travel, travel, and travel.. I'm almost finished with school jus two more years and be done with my masters... lookin' to become a college teacher someday... i love to hit up any powwows ... been tryin to get my new outfit together so i can hit the road this summer.. gotta love them ndn gurls though.. the way they move and put up a good workout...mmm..mmm..mmm.. oh but anyways i go horseback riding whenever i get the chance... or when i'm not fishing.. but I like to meet people that have similar interests.. well cool people.. right now i'm workin on some large sculptures, murals, jewelry.. oh yeah i'm sort of an artist... or try anyway.. I like to bow hunt so people who hunt are very interesting to me.. especially women hunts... because most turn out to be good hunters... The mountains are my home i get homesick when i leave em.. nobody messes with you... quite isolated.. but sometimes i have to head to the city to hit up some clubs, gotta have some fun... right now jus been playin basketball and tryin to stay in shape...

My Interests

Traveling... Vacation!.... Food, Music, F-ball, b-ball, some golf, dancin', horseback... powwow.. fishin tourn.'s, huntin.. most of all art..

I'd like to meet:

People who are successful because i really feed off their positivity and it makes me more ambitious..
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Powwow, Blues, Country, some rap, and pretty much anything else...

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Team realtree roadtrips, American Archer, Knight and Hale, Bass Masters Trail, FLW and PWT Tour, Seinfield, King of the Hill, The Discovery Channel, Any sports channel, and of course the weather channel...


more of a hands on person...


Michael Waddell, Kevin VanDam and Jim Shockey...

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