i'm a slacker. i enjoy long hot showers. i am easily entertained. i'm a geek. i'm the friend that fixes your computer.
the keys to my heart:
Stella Artois. Guiness. Pacifico. LA FIN DU MONDE. Rum and Coka. Buffalo Bill's Pumpkin Ale.
You scored as James T. Kirk // William Shatner, You are a born explorer. Everything is new and exciting, especially if it's a hot lil number batting her eyelashes at you. Sometimes, your curiosity can get the best of you, but you always manage to get the ship back on its feet. Your crew trusts you implicitly! You're the Captain all the chicks just can't get enough of!
Benjamin Sisko // Avery Brooks
James T. Kirk // William Shatner
Jean-Luc Picard // Patrick Stewart
Kathryn Janeway // Kate Mulgrew
Jonathon Archer // Scott Bakula
Which Star Trek Captain Do You Resemble Most?