My Celeb Look-a-Likes
MyHeritage : Celebrity Collage - Geneology - Dynasty
wow, the band geek, goldie hawn, ginny weasley, kirsten dunst, and gloria estefan....nice. =)
Layout by CoolChaser
MyHeritage : Celebrity Collage - Geneology - Dynasty
wow, the band geek, goldie hawn, ginny weasley, kirsten dunst, and gloria estefan....nice. =)
Photography, Art in general, Music (mostly in the rock genre), Reading
Anyone who wants to talk. I'm real easy to talk to and I'm not quick to judge.
What Jessika Means
J is for Juicy
E is for Enchanting
S is for Spiritual
S is for Strong
I is for Industrious
K is for Kinky
A is for Amorous
What Does Your Name Mean?
As stated above, anything rock. Not really into screamo or anything like that.
I consider myself a movie buff. There are a ton of movies that I would call my favorite. Way too many to list though!
I like Family Guy, South Park, Futurama, Spongebob, sadly most Reality shows, CSI, Friends, Joey, Robot Chicken...and many many more.
I love to read. So there are a lot of books I like, but the ones that I've read multiple times are: Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, any books by Greg Illes (great author if you're looking for a good book to read!), Wicked, any of the Harry Potter books, The Great Gatsby, The Notebook, Phantom of the Opera, and s-o-o-o many others.
I honestly have no idea...