About Me
IF EYES COULD KILL,YOU'D BE DEAD BY NOW!!!No, I will not say "I MUST BREAK YOU!" and Yes, I've seen ROCKY IV! And No, you can't date my sister,she is under-age, and No, I am not mail-ordered bride,and Yes,I speak fluent Russian,and No,I won't say something in Russian,and Yes, you do pronounce the "E" infront of my name,and No,I will not pronounce my name for you,and Yes, it does get cold in Russia,and Yes,I do like living in America,and Yes,I do have family back home,and No,I dont drink vodka for breakfast,lunch and dinner,and Yes,I did stand in lines to buy bread,and No,I'm not a spy,and Yes,my name is the same as that figure skater,and No,I wont tell you if my dad is in the mafia,and Yes, Russian chics are hot!And Yes,I think that covered most of the questions I get on the daily basis!But I'm sure there will be a new one asked today!Like,"Do they have TVs in Russia"
or the question that tells me everything about a person.
"Where is Russia?" ummmmmmm......yes....there is a lot of very ignorant people in this world and not affraid to share that with me.....LOL!
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'm a CANCER sign,which means I am most amazing kisser,sensative..Love is one of a kind. Very romantic. Most caring person you will ever meet! Entirely creative and artistic. Extremely random and proud of it. Spontaneous.Funny.Great telling stories and jokes. Not a Fighter, But will Knock your lights out if it comes down to it.I love to laugh and love people who can laugh with me and my stupid jokes..I am very sarcastic most of the time and love to use it on very up -tight people...I'm a sucker for funny and just all around cool people!I love my kids,they are one of a kind and all each different from each other in every way.. and I've never been so in LOVE...I'm very down to earth,I appriciate all that life offers to me..and love to talk about everything and anything to anyone who is interesting to talk to..very open minded about life and people,I love my family and proud of where I came from...I'M A MOTHER TO 4 BEAUTIFUL KIDS
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