MotaVashion profile picture


My Moral Fiber is Silk.

About Me

So this is the little section where it's okay for me to be narcissistic and go on about myself for a while? I suppose I should be talking about the things I like to do and the various little quirks in my personality in order to give people a better idea who I am. I used to have some of those dorky shit little quizzes but I got tired of them and took them down. I briefly considered filing out an annoying survey that asks invasive personal questions but then I got bored of it and realized nobody really reads those anyhow. One time I took the MMPI; I lied to it so that wouldn't do a whole lot of good even if I could post the results. The "New Thing" now is to post your Myers-Briggs personality type. So I might as well plaster iNTp right here. Flattering really, though I don't know how much stock I put in it. So I've opted to be a smartass. I suppose you'll just have to get specific and ask if there's anything you want to know. OR READ THE DAMNED BLOGS. The ones that haven't been censored anyhow. That is why they are there after all... Point is you'll have to work, infuriating isn't it?

My Interests

Chances are you know by now that I like to drink and Myspace. Chances are also pretty good I left you a confusing/harassing/lame pickuping sort of message and asked you to be my friend. I guess that means I'm interested in getting all fucked up and attempting to socialize somehow, or something. Who really knows?I spend a lot of my free time walking around in random places with my camera. I'm somewhere between hobbyist and art-fuck genius photography wise depending on who you ask. I've taken lately to following crowds of demonstrators around and photographing them for my own amusement. At the last one I rode in the back of a flatbed with a dozen Mexicans. I could only fit one leg in the bed and this guy had to hold me in so I wouldn't fall off the tailgate...
I also like to crawl around trashy bars and drink Miller Lite. I realize I'm supposed to drink Bud Light but who really cares? basically, what I am saying is that if you happen to see me at a bar, I'm interested in you buying me a pitcher of Miller Lite.

I'd like to meet:

Who would I like to meet? You know that's actually a very complicated question. I could be glib and say something like 'you' but that would be breaking the rules wouldn't it? I'm supposed to put some sort of abstract description out there and hope that someone comes wandering along who fits it perfectly.Or I cop out and say something like God, or Ghandi so you'll see I'm all spiritual and deep and stuff. I hear that kind of thing really helps you get laid. Or demonstrates that you're deep. Something along those lines.Why don't you just go ahead and contact me instead of reading this crap. We'll see what happens with that.


Since I acquired an iPod I have come to realize that In fact, I posses a very broad range of musical tastes. I'm pretty sure that few other people Would mention Muse, Black Sabbath, The Animals, The Sex Pistols, Merle Haggard, David Allen Coe and Hank Williams Sr. in the same breath. There's plenty of other bands in between and I am always looking for more. The only thing I can really say I dislike is a band like SOAD who feels like they need to get political in order to maintain some kind of edge and make up for their wailing shitty 'music'.


I'm my own damned hero. If you can't believe in yourself, who can you believe in?

My Blog

I have some gorwing up to do...

The following is an exchange of messages centered around a blog comment. I've extracted all the joy I can from it so I'll air it out in front of what few readers I have. I hope you enjoy this as thoro...
Posted by MotaVashion on Wed, 14 Mar 2007 01:23:00 PST

Another waste of a week

So I'm on spring break.I'd love to tell you about getting plastered on a Mexican beach smooth talking stupid girls with my spanish. I really wish I could tell you about how I drank a vat full of Pacif...
Posted by MotaVashion on Wed, 14 Mar 2007 09:18:00 PST

Those damned chain letters

I make no secret of my hatred for this prepubescent girl shit known as the internet chain letter. Despite this, I still get a gem every once in a while. Like the love-spam that a certain Mexican frien...
Posted by MotaVashion on Wed, 28 Feb 2007 10:20:00 PST

The Titty Markup

The tittie markup was something that I personally thought I was intimately familiar with. Any male who's been drinking long enough is familiar with the rule because inevitably we all wind up in a...
Posted by MotaVashion on Tue, 20 Feb 2007 07:43:00 PST

In Nerd Territory

I'm sitting here, listening to a techno remix of the 1812 overture.Really. It's true.You see, I found myself in the lower level of the student union. I am eating and I decided that I needed a plug in ...
Posted by MotaVashion on Thu, 08 Feb 2007 01:43:00 PST

Disconnect the Dots

There was a whole meandering blog here. It jumped illogically from one thought to the next with no reasonable transition in between. Reading it infuriated me because I couldn't understand what the hel...
Posted by MotaVashion on Mon, 05 Feb 2007 10:47:00 PST

Spare some Change?

I sold my dignity for $0.75 today...Despite what you may be thinking,  I did not perform any kind of sexual favor for this pittance. Frankly I'd have to cry myself to sleep if all I made smoking ...
Posted by MotaVashion on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 09:29:00 PST

Another Blog about Snow and Politics

Let me start off with the obvious.It fucking SNOWED last night. There was white stuff falling from the sky and sticking to the ground, puddles froze over and somewhere some kid tried to see if he coul...
Posted by MotaVashion on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 08:49:00 PST

Going Black and White

I've just noticed that my top eight is comprised of four photos taken in B&W.I can't help but narcissistically hope that this is somehow a result of my influence.Go me.As a side note, if anyone ha...
Posted by MotaVashion on Thu, 11 Jan 2007 10:34:00 PST

Two Consecutive Semesters

Today was my first day back in class. I should blog about how weird it is to be five years older than the people I sit next to and what kind of generation gap already seems to have formed. I would pro...
Posted by MotaVashion on Thu, 11 Jan 2007 10:47:00 PST