CFL - mostly the Saskatchewan Riders, video games (yea I like playing games... what guy doesnt). Sci-Fi, computers (ok already I am a geek lol). Also enjoy going out with friends and playing pool and having a few social drinks.
Anyone who is down to earth and the real deal. Someone that doesnt pretend to be something they are not. I love going out dancing at the clubs even though I am by no means the best dancer (actually I suck at dancing lol) But its all good as long as your with good company.
Would also be great if your into Games in all honesty lol
MySpace Codes
Bif Naked is my Fav. person to listen to, what can I say, she rocks. But I also love or can atleast put up with pretty much anything including country lol.
Classic Horror / thriller flicks are my personal fav, Puppet Master, Freddy, Jason and the likes kick ass. but of course I also got a softer side and enjoy Drama movies from time to time.
Stargate, CSI, Battlestar Galactica, Mythbusters and charmed (yea yea yea I know, its a chick show but I like it) just to name a few of the shows I enjoy watching.
anything by Ann Rice, Stephen King, Bruce Coville (Teacher is an alien series from when I was a kid) so many its hard to list them all.
Hulk Hogan lol well maybe back in the 80's when I was a kid but in all honesty I would have to say my mother. She has done so much for me and has never asked for anything in return. She was stronger then I was when my father past away, She held it together when I was in shambles.