Like I've said before, I love the water! I'm not sure how young i was the first time i started swimming, but it just stuck with me. Its been years since I've been skiing but thats always fun too! (water or snow) I am also a fan of Games, of any kind. Board games, Wii, Computer games, they all spice up life.
Friendly People! Oh i dunno, its been a tough time out here in Sactown. Friendly people would be nice for a change.I am thinking a move might be in my favor to meet new people or reconnect with older friends.
I've never been a huge fan of Music. I have a iPod that simply collects dust (though it makes a decent paperweight) i enjoy listening to the Radio though! Rock, main stream rap, techno, oldies, chances are I've heard a song just I don't know the name!
Well lets see, I love a good comedy! (slapstick, intelligent humor, witty, etc) But I also enjoy Action packed movies. I use to enjoy watching Chick Flicks but man... everyone is now like Gilmore Girls and that show is just... well... ya! BAD! Scary Movies just make it hard to go to sleep that evening... Suffice to say i don't enjoy them (unless with a cute girl that would squeeze my arm at the scary parts!). Hmm, but ya... lets say i go see movies a lot! hehe.
Heroes!!! ya thats my favorite atm. But i also enjoy the Office. Lost was cool but it just got really weird... Other then that I watch the Discovery Channel and/or Animal Planet... It just does it for me :D
Honestly, books have never been my thing. I'm much more of a Visual "hands on" learner.
Hero Nakamura! (lol i think thats how its spelled!) No, i dunno. Heroes are rather relative. One mans hero could be another's villain... I think this world needs more heroes though...