I'm always going to have a special place in my heart for scary movies, as well as the classics. Other than moveis I do enjoy reading and the pleasures in life that offer you the "warm fuzzy" feeling that we all deserve to have!.
People that can meet the LORD AND MASTER.....Foamy!'s criteria as seen below!Dating Advice
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A little bit of everything...Won't turn anything down for a go. Has been found that I veer from country and yes...the dreaded polka...but ya know, they have something to offer the music world, just not mine. Always up for a listen if have anything that is "great" in your eyes!
Anything that is "of the Dead" "of the Living Dead" etc etc...big zombie fan, tho up to give most any movie a go! Big fan of Clockwork Orange, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Labyrinth, Trainspotting, etc etc...want know more..ask..or just talk to me, chances are I'll tell you about what I'm watching !
Any TV I watch it seems is on DVD anymore. Supernatural, My Name is Earl, Firefly, Sliders, Beastmaster, Sex in the City (I'm a GIRL GDI!), Married With Children and soon in the mail hopefully...if I remember to order it, Cleopatera 25 25, and maby Earth 2...looked good but who knows! Open mind in this department as much as any other! I try and stick to the True Crime sections for my reading material, but I did manage to find
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I keep my hopes up..that I won't have to be saved. At the rate I'm going though, Feck off knight in shineing armor! You should have been on time! I'll be my own hero kthxbye!