FIK profile picture


nothing | female | twenty-two years old | valparaiso, in | usa

About Me

"asserting the uncertainty of all claims to knowledge..."

My Interests

i want to own an automat...

I'd like to meet:

warren the ape


sad bastard music...


Alien, blade runner, forbidden planet, ghostbusters, ghost world, house, sin city, night of the comet, henry fool, requiem for a dream, waking life, night of the living dead, house 2, tremors, rushmore, bottle rocket, pulp fiction, the last starfighter, the professional, pi, army of darkness, taxi driver, primer, lost in translation, logans run, a clockwork orange, run lola run, lawn dogs, a life less ordinary, fire and ice, fear and loathing, dune, fight club, c.h.u.d., cube, about a boy, american splendor, boondock saints, reservior dogs, buffalo '66, cecil b demented, royal tenenbaums, life aquatic, say anything, shaun of the dead, strange days, suicide kings, trainspotting, tron, 2001, the virgin suicides, the andromeda strain, dark city, etc...


x-files, firefly, greg the bunny, futurama, stargate sg-1, lone gunmen, special unit 2, sea lab 2021, scrubs, the office, little britain, carnivale, fawlty towers, arrested development, dinosaurs, 3rd rock from the sun, freaks and geeks, dead like me, sifl and olly, darkplace, etc.


timequake, dune, watchmen, 1984, brat pack, aka goldfish, savage membrane, guns drugs and monsters, teenagers from mars, akira, hellboy, cal mcdonald, fire, sin city, planetes, it disappears, origin, kingdom come, planetary, horrible science fiction from the 80s...


cal mcdonald